you can walk, you can talk, you can fight, but inside you've got something to write

10.31.04 @ 10:32 p.m.

NaNoWriMo starts soon, in an hour and a half, and I really should be doing something productive, but instead I'm just killing the time.

I have been looking at apartment listings, and I have some high hopes. Especially places that drop elusive hints of "cable TV." Yeah, it's SOOO bad because I'll watch too much television, but on the other hand, THE DAILY SHOW. Also, not-shit reception, maybe. Maaaaybe.

[distraction: I am talking to Slavik on IM about NaNoWriMo]

We had our first Nano Eugene group meeting today, and it was pretty great. Maybe my ego is huge because I was the voice of experience, what with having the most years under my belt until Tracy arrived, and she and I started at the same time. It's interesting, because there are a lot more older people than I'm used to, but maybe that's because Tracy was interviewed by the Register-Guard, and that drew a lot of people to our initial meeting. Some of the veterans from last year didn't like the instructive tone of the meeting ("This is what we are doing! These are some tips!"), but understood the necessity of having that kind of meeting the first time around, especially with so damn many newbies. Seriously, it was crazy. I like some of the women I talked to and I'll be happy to go to other meetings, though I won't be able to go to the next weekend's, as there is a dog show. There may be mid-week meetings, though.

One hour and counting!

I had a bunch of trick-or-treaters, to the point where I nearly ran out of candy. I got low enough that I switched off the porch light for fear that some cluster of kids would show up and I wouldn't have enough candy for them all. Also, I am totally greedy and wanted to save the last few Reeses cups for myself.

I planned to watch P&P tonight to get myself in gear for writing Regency, but I didn't. I did, however, watch the halloween episodes of the Monkees. Not everything is failure.

Oh man. It is now past midnight. It's taken me almost two hours just to write this because other things catch my attention in an "ooh, shiny!" fashion. Like just now I spent ten minutes playing with eyeliner, to see if I could manage to apply it without looking terrible. I might be getting there!

Writin' time! OMG.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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