i am just sitting here, unable to figure out a title for this entry

09.22.04 @ 10:33 p.m.

Dang. I was all excited to watch CSI:NY but now it's half over and I was distracted by the shiny new Dumbrella boards (except that I like the old UBB ones on the grounds of familiarity and these ones look just like the NaNoWriMo boards, except with avatars instead of a word count bar.)

By the way, I'm pleased with my current Quadrophenia avatar:

And my old one:

I'm packing now for South Carolina. We leave tomorrow afternoon to go to San Francisco, thence to SC on the redeye, thence... somewhere on a little tiny plane. So we're trying to work the "carry on only" thing to avoid luggage loss. I'm guessing that I'll have to buy new razors in SC because there's no way they're letting me take one on the plane, and I've got a sleeveless dress to wear.

Today, Martha and I went out shopping. It was fun. The main goal of the day was to buy shoes to go with my dress, which we accomplished fairly easily. We also poked around Nordstrom Rack for a while, and I bought a pair of red faux gem earrings. (The colors on the dress are a dark red and brown stylized floral pattern on a cream background. My sweater to wear over it is a light tan.) After that, we went to Office Depot and then Subway for lunch. We were at Subway for ages, eating, comparing our postcards from Slavik so we could read them in a linear fashion, and working on the 'small' story. (I tend to refer to the Martha/Ellen/Amy version of "The R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N" as the small story and the group version as the big story.) We didn't write much, but we established a lot of themes and basic background information, especially pertaining to Oliver as a man of mystery who probably knows most of what's going on, but isn't likely to tell us unless we ask him very specific questions. I've got the copy of the big story right now, and I think I might take it to SC to puzzle out everyone's terrible handwriting and incoherent writing style. Martha told me she wondered if people will resent us a little for writing coherently, but that's just how we write. It's more of an effort to write in an amusing but near-unreadable ramble.

I wonder if we annoyed the people who worked at that Subway by staying so very long. And being noisy. But every time I read back what I had written, I made sure I was quiet when I read the word "fucking." Of course it comes up frequently, pretty much just in dialog. We're crazy spy-bitches, robbing jewelry stores and beating up hired henchmen. I love that story.

Then I bought some jeans. Woo. I have spent ridiculous amounts of money in the last few days.

I decided not to send out my packages to Rachel, Candace, and Jessica until next Monday. Sorry, but I shan't have access to the postal service until then. (Also, I haven't written the letters to accompany them yet.)

PS- "Lost" on ABC = pretty cool, I think. It's hard for me to judge CSI yet, since I didn't really... watch it. Stupid interesting internet.

Edit: Haha, good one, Penny Arcade.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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