done done done with all the fuck fuck fucking around

08.18.04 @ 9:41 p.m.

Tomorrow is my last day of work, and I don't know if there's anything about it that makes me unhappy. Except maybe that I still do have to go to work one more day.

Boss John is back after I thought I was done with him. Ah well. He's gotten easier to deal with. The only major annoyance of today is that they think that everything I say has "I don't give a fuck, I quit tomorrow" lurking behind it. I get detached when there isn't anything to say. I'm not being deliberately rude or even dropping a veneer of civility because I quit tomorrow. I'm being the same as always, or so I think. There's a certain relaxed attitude to the work now that the few "OMFG we have to hurry" jobs are basically done. Much time was spent gossiping with the principal and other district employees. We didn't do a damn thing after we took a break at 1:40. Seriously. I dusted a little to look busy.

I don't understand why people feel the need to "get at me," to make me react or get mad or... I don't know. My "cold" demeanor is an indication of not being comfortable with you, so needling me isn't going to break it. It's just going to make me MORE uncomfortable and MORE cold.

In social situations I am a fish out of water, all flopping around and gasping for air and knocking things over with my unpleasant and unsightly spasms. I'm not that good at relating to people.

Despite not really caring about the events that shaped Roland Deschain's youth, I'm going to continue to plow through Wizard and Glass (of Stephen King's Dark Tower series), which I abandoned after California, being burned out on King and bored by the flashback plot that consumes this whole book.

[Ena gave me a copy of Good News for People Who Like Bad News, and I'm listening to it a lot these last few days.]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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