jigsaw puzzle

07.06.04 @ 10:13 p.m.

Boss John must be the one I hate, because he was gone today and just having Boss Gary around all day long was actually somewhat pleasant. Mostly because... well, I don't know. John tries to bait me, tries to get me to react or be squeamish about things. Gary, I think, just expects me to do my job, especially since I just do what I'm told.

My driving is going swimmingly. I drove from work to Fred Meyer without incident. Tomorrow morning I rather imagine I'll be asked to drive to work.

I didn't go out this afternoon, mostly because my day-long paranoia about my lady days striking turned out to be a valid premonition. So I spent all evening lying in bed reading The Drawing of the Three, which is the second of the Dark Tower books by Stephen King. I finished it. Which kind of sucks because I have to wait until I get to the library again to get the next one and I'm going to California next week. (Oh, yeah, I'm going to California next week.) And the beach with Martha, Andrew, et al this weekend. Detta/Odetta was very interesting, the whole door thing was very interesting. Post-Apocalypse King makes me long to work on my own story, except that scenes from "I Can't Reach You" flitted through my head all afternoon. The heroine reconciling (somewhat) with her father, who was cowed by her mother early in "Sea and Sand" when the heroine decided to leave home due to her mother's oppressive behavior. I'm trying to decide if I need to upload what I have of "Traveler" to Kinkos and have it printed up so I can review it and work on it. Maybe even at work.

I need a shower and sleep, sweet sleep.

[Title: My current favorite Rolling Stones song. Frequently competes with "Connection," "Saint of Me," and a few others.]

PS-Three more postcards from Slavik.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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