time is on my side

07.04.04 @ 12:32 a.m.

We have a cat now (whatthehell) because the rabbits in the back yard are getting madly out of control and my mom hopes to train up a hunter. My dad sees nothing but trouble in taking in this cat, and so we have named her Pandora.

We sold a puppy today, probably the first one we've actually sold. Little Ringo is gone, and his name is now Lewellyn, after "the last true Prince of Wales," according to my mom, who suggested the name to Ringo's new Mommy and Daddy. They seem to like giving dogs names that match their nationalities. Their German Shepherd, a Billy sister formerly named Sweet Young Thing (from the album The Monkees, quite a fabulous song), is now called Greta. They stayed forever chit chatting, though the husband clearly wanted to go well before they left. They brought a fellow with him who had a thick accent that I didn't really recognize. European. Him talking to my dad about German Shepherds extended the whole sale of Ringo.

Driving lessons progressed to driving in traffic today. I drove from our house to the North Plains McDonalds with few problems, really just that I slowed to a stop before a right turn when I shouldn't have and got honked at, which flustered me.

I got some postcards from Slavik today, which was cool. I like getting mail that isn't trying to recruit me to sell knives or get me to sign up for a credit card.

This weekend has been just what I've expected so far: a nice long stretch of nothing special. I stayed in bed for ages, listened to "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" in the shower (with guest Ira Glass! "This American Life" is one of the greatest things on radio ever. I need to remember to check out some David Sedaris books next time I go to the library), played the Sims for hours just because I can, and watched the truly horrible film Urban Legends: Final Cut because it was something I didn't have to concentrate on. Oh, and a tape of "Kingdom Hospital" that I made the other night. I didn't want to actually watch it when it was on because I thought I'd get freaked out. I'm prone to getting scared here at night. The dorms was the only place where I didn't have to enforce time limitations on reading Stephen King. (Instituted when I read "The Road Virus Heads North" out of Everything's Eventual quite some time ago.) It looks like an interesting show, but kind of confusing in whether it wanted to be scary or funny... I hope it succeeds, but I don't know if it can.

On Friday, I started writing a plot summary of "Traveler," last year's abandoned NaNovel to see how much I can remember and maybe make the first steps toward writing a second draft (maybe one that will be COMPLETE), though now I think I should just do away with the prologue except to hint at the events it covers, but that slices out a third of the stuff I've already written. Jodi read the Regency and really liked it (to my extreme surprise), but she never gave any input on "Traveler." Not that I would expect anything past "Wow, it's great!" Maybe "Why did that guy have to get his face and eye slit open?" except that we read Dirk Pitt adventure/spy novels when we were younger, which probably seriously desensized us to written violence.

I wonder if there's any point in getting the current 40 single spaced pages printed up to review it like I did with the Regency, except I'm not really editing it.

Three day weekends are the BEST.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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