beast of burden

06.02.04 @ 11:28 p.m.

I bought another notebook today. It's a weird thing, the amount of glee I get out of buying pretty notebooks. Then I get upset when I write things that look sloppy in them. I suppose the saving grace of the one I bought before this one is that I'm using a specific pen to use in it and I don't have to do the wiping off of excess ink that I do with the pens I usually buy. BUT, the ink in this new pen is not waterproof, and my hands get sweaty when I handwrite, so some of the ink is getting smudged. The new notebook is a miniature version of the one I just bought. They both have a big 4 on the cover, though the larger one is dark blue with a red 4 and two red stripes below it and the small one is light blue with dark blue accents. They're cute, and have four sections divided by the color on the edge of the paper. The larger, which houses the current version of "Sea and Sand," is going to use those color divisions to separate stories.

I bought it because I was in the bookstore anyway, buying things for mailin' a package. I'm also becoming a compulsive purchaser of stickers. I wonder if this is some contagious habit I've caught from Martha.

I really like the new feature in iTunes that automatically prints liner notes for a CD. I used it for the first time today and am rather pleased, except that when a title and artist doesn't fit, they cut it off with an elipsis. Hmm. Still, it's nice not to have to hand write or hand type that stuff up.

The great pleasure of today is not only getting my mail project mailed (now I need to do them for Jess and Rachel AND a CD for Ena to take with her when she leaves), but finishing my 10 page Folklore paper. I got that motherfucker DONE, and I am so happy. I think that it's not too bad, supplimented by lots of "fieldwork," meaning twelve or more xeroxed pages: 9 or 10 pages of terms and colloquialisms out of a book on secrets of dog showing, plus three examples of dog advertising xeroxed out of a year-old copy of The Canine Chronicle. It's a weight off. This is a relief, except that now I'm tending to ignore the oral final I have tomorrow for Chaucer (motherfucker!), the two page paper I have due for Italian, and the Italian oral I have on Friday. I'm not going to my psych final, mostly because there's no way I'll do well on it. I haven't been going to class at all. Well, that's not true. I did go to almost half of class on Tuesday, just out of a mild feeling of guilt and to confirm that I don't have to go to the final if I don't want to.

So while I did pick out the passage I'm going to read for the Chaucer exam, fuck if I'm reading it. I read it out loud two or three times, and while I've not got a fully fluid meaning, I don't have to have the goddamn scansion written out. Just get it so there's a sense of when sentences begin and end.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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