ramble on

05.26.04 @ 5:51 p.m.

EDIT: That song of songs, "Baba O'Riley", is featured in an HP commercial. Well, an instrumental version. But still! God, I love that song.

I would like to know who the fuck googled me. And by me, I mean 'Ellen "daily nightly"'. Which is quite funny that it came up the way it did because I rarely refer to myself in the third person.

But still. Anyone who knows me well enough to be pulling out both my name and the name of this site should know the extreme paranoia that makes me the shy, uptight person that I am!

Eh. Fuck it.

(I swear too much. I think I need to work on that.)

Aaaanyway. I'm pissed off at myself for sleeping through Chaucer this morning, partly because I woke up at exactly 8:30, which is when I have to go out to catch the bus if I want to get to campus even vaguely on time. So I decided the whole thing never happened and rolled over to go back to sleep. I did go to Italian, which was great fun because I finally, finally got to achieve my year's goal of working the Italian word for heroin addict ("eroinomane") into a class presentation. It was a group project where we had to write what was going on in a strange clip of video we saw. A guy with whiteboy dreadlocks got punched out. The punchee, we decided (me, Stephanie, Conor, Peter and... uh, Bret? Dunno) was a drug dealer who sold the puncher sugar instead of heroin. Lessee, "Tommaso ed i suoi amici sono eroinomani. Anche sono spacciatori di droga. Vendono zucchero invece di eroina a Piero, e lui colpe Tommaso. I amici di Tommaso ucciderono Piero." Good times.

Folklore, fantastic class that it is, was fully dedicated to watching a movie called Paris is Burning, about the Harlem drag scene and the "Ball Circuit" in the mid-1980s. It's fascinating, and the only thing that offended me was the horrific fashion. We're going to watch the last few minutes of it next Wednesday, I think. No class on Monday, of course. I'm excited about the weekend. I'll be making a video for Candace and spending time with the rock star litter. Maybe I'll take Jubee for a walk.

Bonnie has left a bunch of stuff in the hallway and had asked if I wanted any of it. I feel guilty saying so, but I want most of it. I mean, holy crap, she has a Tare Panda phone! Even though I tried it just now and it doesn't really work. Damn. I love Tare Panda. I have three Tare Pandas (hmm, I wonder what I did with them) that I got in packets of ramune when I was still a student of Japanese. Ooh, now I'm wondering if I can talk my mother into a jaunt to Uwajimaya asian supermarket and bookstore this weekend. I'm sorry, I've allowed myself to get totally distracted by online shopping for adorable Tare Panda things. I'm absolutely going to go to the store on 13th that has all the Afro Ken stuff in the window to see if they have any little Tare Panda notepads or anything. I am intended to buy myself a new, pretty notebook if I get work done on my Folklore paper tonight! S&S and ICRY deserve their own notebooks if I'm going to handwrite as much as I've been doing. I don't know what it is with me and notebooks, but I'm all "OMG, must acquire more!" every time I go into an office supply/stationery store. (*hopes for a Tare Panda memo pad, having lost her old one*) Wow, there's Totoro stuff, too. If you have not seen My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro, I think), you are missing out on worlds of cuteness. I adore Totoro. And I see that a large, stuffed Totoro I bought for something less than $50 in Japan is $179 on this DreamKitty.com site.

So I can't think of a way to be all AGGH, I WANT ALL YOUR STUFF to Bonnie without looking rude. What I really want is her Brita water pitcher, if she's going to give it away. But it's not out with the other stuff anymore.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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