roommates wanted

05.17.04 @ 8:06 p.m.

I'm looking for a pair of roommates. South Eugene, $350/mo and a share of utilities. Drop me a line at my modsandrockers4 hotmail address if you know someone who might be interested, my few Eugenian readers.

I only barely managed to get up this morning to get to Chaucer. Lord, is that class boring the living hell out of me. I used to enjoy it, oh yes, but then the constant mentions of childhood abuse started and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, THEY JUST WILL NOT STOP. It's making me insane. It is not fucking pertinent. Gaaah. And now I have a midterm to do, having skipped reading The Consolation of Philosophy, which means I'm going to have to try to read it in the next couple of days.

In Italian I decided to bump my participation points by describing my weekend. I said "Sono andata al Bijou, mezzanotte, per vedere The Kids Are Alright--Il documentario del Who." Documentario is probably not the world for documentary, but I wasn't corrected. Instead, Enrico explained to the class that I was un po' obsessed with the Who. Nice. We're in the process of reading a story (in Italian) that seems to be about a high school teacher who goes around slapping people who use English words. First example: "gay" instead of "omosessuale."

Folklore continues to be FUCKING AWESOME. Today we belatedly got around to viewing the Punk slides. Johnny Rotten, Perry Farell (whom the professor actually interviewed for his first book), and a number of anonymous punks and neo-tribal tattoo enthusiasts. Also Fakir somebody, who is into suspension which freaks me out. Ew. Many stories were told about tattooing and piercing, but mostly tattooing. I talked about Allayne's family, who got tattoos in memorium of their son, her brother. There was also a lively discussion on the history of punk which basically marks the first time I've spoken to Mod Nathan despite seeing him everywhere. Also, I kick serious ass. A's on both the midterm and the event paper, which the prof called "a fascinating topic." So I guess I really, truly am doing my final paper by expanding upon my first rather than a total change to Mod. The only bit that sucks is that I'm hesitant to talk to Dad so soon after Billy's death.

While I am not a fan of reality TV, PBS knows how to do it right. I am eager to see how Colonial House will measure up to Frontier House.

I am NOT looking forward to the whole seeking a housemate ordeal.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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