so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for yoo-ooo-ooou

03.30.04 @ 11:03 a.m.

I'm waiting (im)patiently for the FedEx guy. About an hour ago I saw the truck going down the street the other way and I'm hoping it'll come this way soon. I don't know. It's frustrating because an eagerly anticipated toy is in the hands of FedEx, and I know this because they left a "You were out" door tag yesterday. If I had a car I would have gone to Springfield to get it, but I don't really have the means to get there.

So I'm watching The Price is Right while I kill time before I have to get ready for class. Man, while some of the prizes ("You win... A NEW CAR!") are fairly cool, the majority of them are highly tacky. Showcase Showdown includes a hideously tacky cocktail ring. Ew. Also, one guy has astonishingly bad hair.

Italian yesterday was alright. We didn't do much, though since it's the start of a new term, we had to go around introducing ourselves. Under the category of "hobbies," I said "Mi piace studiare la storia della musica rock" (I like to study the history of rock music") and Enrico told the class (in Italian) that he'd give extra credit if someone could identify the band my shirt was for. I didn't want to tell him that my shirt (the Guitar Crossing shirt) doesn't represent anyone in particular, but the crosswalk guy happens to be doing the Townshend Windmill. Enrico didn't actually give extra credit, but the guy sitting in front of me did say "The Who?" Good start to the term? Perhaps.

Folklore of Subcultures may well be harder than I anticipated, what with a 4 page fieldwork assignment (go to a subculture event and analyze it) and a 10+ page final paper on a subculture of our choice. I am thrilled by the prospect of thoroughly researching 1960s Mod. Also, we're going to study punk, as I think I said yesterday, and that's just thrilling as well. I guess my prof interviewed, uh, Perry Farrel (I just know that's probably mispelled) of Jane's Addiction on punk before he got famous. The professor is so... well, twitchy is not the word. But he can't stand still. He was constantly in motion, swaying or shifting his weight or kind of bobbing a little. It's amusing, and he looks like a supremely cool guy. Other good sign: Several gratuitous mentions of Quadrophenia. He wants to make a sort of compendium of subculture films and one of his listed examples was Q. I think I was the only one in class who'd seen it or at least bothered to say so. Also, he kept saying "It has Sting in it!" which was funny.

Ena got back, and makes me feel a little bad because whenever she goes off, she usually brings something back for me. I basically never do that. I'm not a 'present' person. She bought the Who's Face Dances in a CD store because it caught her eye while she was looking for Tom Waits CDs and she looked at it for a long time before she recognized Townshend and realized it was a Who CD. I'm kind of surprised she managed to pick up one I didn't already have. I reckon I only need It's Hard. Anyway, I was glad she was back and we talked a bunch. I told her all about the story and we both enthused about Eternal Sunshine, though we both had less than perfect theater experiences. Oh! In the scene that I've seen in commercials where Clementine tells Joel to try to wake up and he holds his eyes open, he's wearing a shirt from the Broadway production of Tommy!

Her friends Octavius and Natalie came over unexpectedly, and I was stupidly polite enough to tell Ena to invite them in. I ended up amused at Octavius' long-winded stories, but pissed that they stayed rather late and he drank a bunch of my Fresca. Grr. Ena and I had both forgotten how much he likes to talk. And we're all a bit easily derailed.

So my plan, which was to go to bed earlyish and get up at a reasonable time, was shot all to hell. I woke up from deep sleep at 8 and catnapped until 10, when I happened to look out the window and see the FexEx truck.

Where are you?!?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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