
01.17.04 @ 11:08 p.m.

I haven't got very much to say. Got up too early to go to a dog show (where we did very well, especially after hearing the song "I'm a Believer" on the car radio on the way, the song our dog, Billy, was named for), came back, went to the show again because Bill, who is only 22 months old, won Best of Breed and a four point Major. Which is a big deal in dog things. You need two Majors for a dog to become a Champion. Anyway, when you win the Breed, you have to go back for Group which is generally hours upon fucking hours away and it's bloody hard to win.

God help me, but I am a nice person. And so I eventually, reluctantly volunteered to assist in a breeding. It is not my choice to help a pair of dogs go at it, but I am ultimately dutiful and it often takes more than one person to make things go smoothly. (Such as the bitch not ripping out the dog's throat, etc. I remember being young and seeing a bitch muzzled for a breeding so she wouldn't snap at the people or her swain. Of course, I was always hustled away from breedings as a child, which is as it should be.) I thought that it was going to be done tonight, but I guess tomorrow works, too. Too much hustle in going back to the show this afternoon.

I suppose that's a step my siblings never took, being willing to assist in kennel business. My sister may have participated in Junior Showmanship as a young teen, but I reckon I've been going along to shows for much longer than she ever did. And in the end it's good, because it seems to make my dad really happy when I go. I just rarely do because they're always so fucking early in the morning.

Which is why I'm dead tired and I think I'll go to bed without watching SNL. Also, I have no desire to see Jessica Simpson and Nick whatshisface host.

[Title track is a semiobscure Who single about a greyhound track.]



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