shining like a summer morning

12.08.03 @ 10:06 p.m.

I walk over to Ena's door and say "Do you know what today is?" She says no. I say "It's the anniversary of John Lennon's death." (Which, quite honestly, I had forgotten until I read Candace's entry.) "33 years?" she asks. "No, 23."

Ena's maddeningly unique perspective on things? "So today marks the 23rd anniversary of Yoko becoming a widow."

Yoko. Of course. Because Yoko's more important that John Lennon.

Frustration (I'll break in here and say that listening to the Who's "Our Love Was" makes me ADORE the way Pete says 'frustration'... "Our love was famine, frustration, we only acted out of imitation of what real love should have been." And since "ICRY" is loosely based on near every song on The Who Sell Out (I can make it work, damnit), the protagonists' love affair initially follows those lines)... where was I? Oh, I'm super frustrated by the screw coming out of the strap mount at the top of my stratocaster and stripping all the wood out with it. So now I can't screw it back in like I've done before. Cheap thing. I'm hoping Dad'll be able to fix it when he comes on Thursday. So I guess no electrified practice of "Hardest Button to Button" or "Go to the Mirror, Boy" today or tomorrow. And I just tuned the thing this morning, too.

My eyes are finally better (but probably won't be after I'm done here) after two days of eye strain. At least, I'm assuming that's what's making my eyes feel like they've been taken out, boiled, and popped back in. Yesterday it was too much computer gaming (Civ 3, addictive), today it was sitting in the goddamn Brainerd lab waiting for my last two pages to print. And even then I had to reprint one because I forgot the outlines. But the good news there is that there is no written component, so I am done! And it's not even the night before it's due, either. My sense of accomplishment knows no bounds. Now I just need to finish the two Classics essays I have to write by Wednesday. And we're supposed to handwrite them, too. The professor, while not outright condoning cheating, said that she supposed that if we were going to copy something, at least by handwriting we'd learn it rather than copy/pasting. Haha. She's quite funny and really a good teacher. Maybe I'll take more classes in that department. Anyway, too much computer makes my eyes hurt, which makes me a little thankful that the final is hand written. I convalesced the last couple of hours by doing logic problems (so addicted) and now I'm going to watch "Won't Get Fooled Again" on TKAA because I haven't watched it since reading in my Moon bio that Keef prepared for that one by stuffing an inhuman wad of coke up his nose and reading that he runs out of steam halfway through (and the drums are dubbed! DUBBED!), so I gotta watch.

[title lyric from "Our Love Was" which features Townshend's lovely voice.]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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