get back, loretta

11.19.03 @ 4:23 p.m.

Holy hell, it snowed. In the course of an hour, it started snowing and then started sticking, although it's all pretty slushy.

So stupid me, having switched to MTV2 last night before the weather report when I was watching the news, despite crazy eyed weatherman's hints about snow, I wasn't expecting it at all. And of course, it came during my free hour, which I spent kicking around campus and the 13th street shops to go buy the new Let It Be. It's good, and I like it, and yet I'm slightly annoyed with myself for letting hype and the idea of something new making me buy a CD when I've kept myself from buying the two Keith inclusive Who albums I don't have.

Pfah. My birthday is in one month and two days. Christmas is four days later.

Speaking of birthdays, I got Ena a present, two days late. I bought her a Pink Floyd button at the music shop during my free hour. I saw a Joe Strummer pin that makes me think of Martha and a Linda Carter Wonder Woman pin that screams "Amy" and yet I only bought the PF one. Oh, there was also a really strikingly ugly White Stripes one. Lots of Elephant ones, too. Last time I was in that shop, they didn't have buttons. I probably wouldn't have bought the one for Ena except I walked by Espresso Roma during the snowfall and saw her in the window. I popped in to say hi, then went to the music store and went back to Roma to give her the pin. Both times my stupid glasses fogged up the moment I stepped into Roma. Grr.

The snow had stopped when I got out of Rock History, where we're dallying over the Beatles, likely to the detriment of the Rolling Stones. But we watched large unnecessary swaths of a Making of Sgt Pepper video (gah, sometimes the prof drives me mad with his pausing to talk or rewinding way to far when he wants to get to the beginning of a clip) and the "All You Need is Love" broadcast. Keith Moon was there, I'm fairly certain, both from the Anthology book and Moon, and I kept a sharp eye out for him. He got no face time, but I could see him next to Ringo, either helping drum or air drumming. It was charming. The professor ended class by saying "See, did everyone see Mick Jagger there?" and I said (not loud enough for everyone to hear, but the people in the front) "Keith Moon was there, too."

The sun came out a little and melted some of the snow, but it's mostly still there. I hope it gets cold enough for dryer snow than this. This stuff was positively slush and got all melty pretty fast. So now it's a bit of a winter wonderland, and I'm excited at the idea that this could continue, but it likely won't.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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