yeah, yeah, yeah

11.17.03 @ 6:02 p.m.

So, yesterday while on IM with Slavik, I told him that a character changed from being him to being someone else, and I didn't really explain how or why. It wasn't vindictive or anything, just halfway through I realized that it wasn't him. So a couple of minor alterations and he was tall, deep voiced Scott from Italian. I tried to explain that to Ena last night and she couldn't figure out that I was trying to say yeah, there's this guy in my novel named Scott that's based on a guy in my Italian class BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE THERE IS NO REFERENCE TO ITALIAN IN THERE. I just lifted the physical description of the guy. Geesh. People. Anyway, while I had been "Ah, here's a place to put Slavik in like I said I would," but it just didn't fit. It was too serious a moment for friend cameos.

It's a little startling to realize I'm almost halfway through the thing (and I'm SO behind on word count) and the titular character hasn't shown up for more than a brief scene. Well, two scenes. Celeste is convalescing and I'm afraid I'm accelerating her healing a bit. She wasn't so bad off as everyone thought, apparently, because she's needed to mount a raid on her former captors pretty soon. Which I figure is the best way for her to get her stuff back. I've got to figure out a way for her to humiliate her 'husband' (oh no way is anyone going to acknowledge that marriage) in revenge. That, or she's going to destroy something big. Burn down a major building in their village. Without killing her husband or Kurin or even May, who's one of the nastiest little bitches I've ever written. Celeste is not a murderer, for all that she's already eviscerated one man and blinded another; that was self defense.

(You may be able to tell that I'm exploiting this space to talk to myself about what I need to do.)

On non post-apocalyptic topics, more Beatle-riffic fun in Rock History. We watched a bootleg today of a TV special they did (Around the Beatles, the one where they performed the "Pyramus and Thisbe" interlude from Midsummer Night's Dream, and it was, I must say it was hilarious. George gets near reinstated as my favorite. I really love him in A Hard Day's Night, which I may have to watch again tonight. I'd insert an appropriate picture, but I can't find any off hand. I have a book with a page of them, but no scanner. I'd digital camera it, but Ena's been and gone and done something with the USB cord. Anyway, John plays a very deep voiced Thisbe and Paul seems to be an inveterate flirt in that bit, constantly winking at the camera and trying to be charming (and okay, it works a bit...) It was all jolly good fun and the teacher brought in his Anthology DVDs for no apparent reason as we watched none of them.

I also found a bus stop closer to the corner of campus I have rock history in, meaning I can get to it in time to catch my bus on Mondays and Wednesdays rather than killing near half an hour in the library. Too bad term is over in about two weeks, so I'll get hardly any use out of that unless I take more classes in the most inconvenient part of campus.

Italian is horrible and boring and I don't want to go back, and yet I'm doing pretty well with the conditional tense. I just hate interacting with people.

Writing now.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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