sometimes i really hate trying to think of clever titles or even faintly relevant ones

11.15.03 @ 3:19 p.m.

I wrote a good three thousand plus words last night on my NaNovel. I am so happy about that, and yet here I am online rather than writing for myself.

I blame Martha. Well, I can only blame her for my current online status because E* just went to get the mail and came into my room to give me a phantasmagoric postcard. It's Jimmy Cooper from the movie Quadrophenia on his Lambretta. We determined that Jimmy looked like one of our high school classmates and so the back of the postcard says "Don't ask me why [classmate's name] is posing for postcard photos, but here it is."

Of course it went immediately on my wall. Now Jimmy, all cutely angry and scowling on his Lambretta will be looking down at me whenever I do my homework, write, etc. And thus I am a happy girl.

Yesterday was the midway point NaNoWriMo meet at Cafe Paradiso. It was fairly sparsely attended except by those determined to lay claim to a sticker and a pen. I rather unethically took two stickers, a "So many words, so little time" one I stuck on the back of my laptop and a "Another year, another novel" one that's braced by push pins on the corkboard over my desk. I hate putting holes in things, you see, but I love bulletin boards, so I end up bracing everything with push pins and hoping they'll stay up. So far, so good. Anyway, it was good to talk to other writers, to bitch and moan and drink hot chocolate. The downside was that I stayed until 6:30, which is the time the last reasonable bus leaves campus for my house. I got to campus at about 6:50 and ended up going to the EMU computer lab to kill some time surfing the internet until the next bus came at 7:45. It's probably my paranoia aided by having been raised in the country, but urban areas at night scare the bajeezus out of me. Especially when they're relatively empty. So I was fairly freaked out when I had to go from place to place. I hate not having a car (or a driver's license, but that seems pointless until there's a car around I can drive) but I'm BROKE. Very, very poor indeed.

I wonder if there is money waiting to be picked up at Financial Aid. But I bet not, because they already sent me a pathetic check that covers nothing. And I need to figure out my share of the bills so I can pay E* (very tempted to give up the secrecy and just start saying "Ena"), but she takes the bills and I never see or hear about them again. Naughty me.

And I'm dying for some goddamn sugar, preferably in chocolate form which is so stereotypically girlish, but I've gotten so used to having it around it's like crack. I'm going through some kind of withdrawl and it's making me a little crazier than usual. I'm tempted to go to Albertsons and buy a bag of dark chocolate something, but I know better. I'll eat yogurt and pretend it's more dessertish than it is.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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