
11.09.03 @ 1:40 a.m.

I wrote this part a long time ago, before we went to Moni's party: God in heaven. I should so be doing my homework. It's kind of study-hall here, for all that I'm writing here, Alissa and Amy are playing Uno over on the futon, and Andrew and Martha are on my couch doing their homework. (Martha's doing English History and Andrew's reading on Genetics.) Pretty soon we'll go over to Moni's place to attend her own birthday party and give her the presents she accidentally left over here.

Lots of images this post, sorry.

Okay, so now: I got up pretty early this morning to do desperate cleaning of my house and do the rest of the dishes. After a while, Martha, Andrew and Amy showed up. Martha and I went to Albertsons to get some emergency groceries (much needed milk, chips for the killer guacamole I made, and ice cream) and once there, we realized we were dressed freakishly alike. We were both wearing black double breasted coats, jeans, and all stars. It was odd, and I felt the need to unbutton my coat so we looked less twinsy, not that anyone would mistake us for being in any way related.

We blew up about a hundred balloons with a helium tanks we got. See all the balloons? Martha and Amy worked on the balloons and Andrew and I worked on the streamers as the self determined "tallest". Clearly Andrew was, but Martha and I are essentially the same height.

It was only sheer luck that had us at all prepared for Moni's arrival. E* just HAPPENED to be looking out the window when Moni and Paige rolled up. "They're here!" she yelled, and madness ensued. I went to the door and heard running around behind me. We let Moni in and she just stood in the archway, staring at the decorations. I think she asked me why there were balloons all over my house. There was a beat of silence, and I said "Guys?!?" They did not hear me. After a moment, Martha, Andrew, and Amy jumped out and fired their confetti poppers at Moni. It was a study in ineptitude, really. And I can't be blamed, ha ha, because I was in charge of getting the door.

Andrew cooked (deliciously, I must add) and we ate all the guacamole, turkey burgers, and a huge pan of brownies. (We are pigs, yes.) It was at some point after dinner that I was checking my email and checking a bunch of blogs and things while I was waiting for other people to finish their food, etc. Slavik had some Chinese on his blog that he made up a translation for, and I got E* to tell me what it said, really. So I harassed him over AIM and... well, it all fell apart from there. Oh my God, I can't believe you went along with all that, Slavik. I suppose you'd be gratified that the response (from Moni and Paige mostly) was "Man, he's hot." So that should make up for any mortification you might be feeling. But any slight guilt we felt after you said "Is it over now?" was SO erased by going back in the AIM conversation and realizing you opened the door to it all. "I've got a webcam and I'm not wearing a shirt"?? Good lord. I have to say, that whole thing was possibly the most entertaining thing I've been involved with in a long time. (I just told everyone that I was "writing down everything that happened today; trying to analyze the whole Slavik thing." The consensus is "the Slavik thing is beyond analysis.") People who have no idea what's going on, I'll just say there was nakidity invovled. I was doing all the typing at first and it was hilarious because everyone crowded around me almost immediately. Also, at one point there was teasing because Martha and I were lying next to each other on the futon typing, lying on our stomachs and Andrew made a crack about a 'pair of christmas hams' and I believe it was Paige that slapped my ass. Eventually I got sick of typing and passed the computer to Martha and Moni, and got up and moved around a lot. It got totally senseless, and amazingly funny. God almighty. He's a brave boy, is our Slavik.

While we were hanging around after Moni and Paige left, waiting to go to Moni's party, Amy, Martha and I named every single balloon in the house (Moni took about ten of them for her house, though). Every one had a name.

All of them.

We kind of had a study hall after that, with people attempting to do homework. I started to work a little on my Odyssey paper, to no avail. I couldn't concentrate on a damn thing. So I wandered around with E*'s camera, after digging up some batteries for it. The only reason E* didn't get a picture of all of us clustered around the computer talking to Slavik is because she couldn't find batteries for it. She picked up my camera, but I had used up all the film already. Alas.

Much as I hate pictures of myself, Amy took this one and I'll include it for the hell of it:

Then we went to Moni's, which was entertaining enough. A lot of her Eugene friends were there, whom I'd never met. They were cool, and actually all but one of them went out to smoke and we all started talking about high school people, not realizing that the girl was still around. She was told to pretend she went to high school with us. Much talking, much talking over one another as is our habit (a bad one, perhaps... once I totally talked over Who Boy's friend because I'm so used to plowing through just to get heard at all) and it was pretty good all around. We got stuck in post-football game traffic, which sucked. Alissa (who joined us later) got out of the car at one point to grab a Nike ACG knit cap out of the street. Today was a good day for finding things in the street--Martha picked up a camoflage pillow case that's drying in my bathtub. Weird.

I'm sure there's more to say, so much has happened today that's been... great. Entertaining, certainly.

Slavik: you are very brave, I'll give you that. [insert head shake] Man, oh man.

[title track by Adam Ant, supplied by Martha.]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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