keep on working...

10.21.03 @ 11:43 p.m.

It would seem that I've mostly talked myself into going with the "Rael/Traveler" plot line. We shall see how well it synopsizes in the next few days. Every time I think I've got a great argument for going with one, the other starts to look appealing. Like, I've written several synopses for R/T, and each time I think "Damn, I've really thought this through more than I ever realized. I could do a lot with this, anthropology-wise... hmmm..." Plus, there's the old temptation to make Traveler as passionate about music as I am. Just today I was seeing Celeste, a nebulous ex-cult-raised girl and protege of Trav, getting a glimpse of a less rough and reticent Trav when she finds... hm. Well, I actually envisioned a copy of Moon in his pack. Dogeared. Like mine, really, which is starting to suffer after daily trips to and from the university. They're so vague in my head. I'm half-anticipation, waiting until I can start to write so I can get to that point where they start acting of their own accord. That was fantastic, amazing. Riverwood meant so much to me. If only I could exert the self control to edit the bastard and rewrite it.

Um. Very little happened today. I listened to Rick Emerson again, which was kind of cool. I miss Portland. I tried to learn some Clash songs with tab, but mostly experimented with barr chords and dinked around. I read far too much Austen fanfic and likely would not have stopped if I hadn't gotten pissed off by an initially likeable but eventually self righteous character. Gah. I also meant to do scads of homework tonight, but only really managed to type up some replies to an Italian interview I was supposed to finish. Haven't done the in-book work. Haven't done the workbook stuff. Haven't read whatever books of The Odyssey I was supposed to read, though I should, for the sake of classical inspiration for NaNo, eh? Pft. I'm not going to be much fun to read this month if all I can do is babble about the book.

I also baked cornbread muffins this afternoon that were frickin' delicious. Go me. Except that I didn't use paper muffin cup things, and they stuck to the pan. We won't be making that mistake again. I ate so much today, or at least I feel like I did. I had a salad for lunch, which was actually very good of me, but I think the three muffins I scarfed down cancelled that out to a certain degree. Snuck lots of E*'s stashed chocolate, but she DID offer it to me. She shouldn't do things like that, really.

I'm tired, for all that it's not even midnight. I think I should probably make a bagel with cream cheese (and, some may shudder, pepperoni. Somehow I came up with this combo in high school and it's magically delicious.) (You know what my aunt makes every christmas as a much sought after h'ord..eeerrr...? eek. Anyway, she makes little rolls of turkey filled with cream cheese and my brother and I FIGHT over them. Yum.) I feel like I haven't been sleeping enough, which is likely the problem. I guess I'll make my lunch and turn in. (Also, I've almost totally weaned myself off caffine. I almost HAVE to, because I get so dependent on it so quickly. After a week of iced tea or Pepsi every day, I get massive, hideous headaches if I skip a day. It's so not worth it, so I bought a case of caffine free Pepsi, which brings back memories of 10th grade lunches with Martha, where she'd always give me her Pepsi (caffine free because her mom has problems with it like mine, I imagine) because she didn't want to drink the whole thing, and those two days where I managed to snort it out my nose TWICE. I am apparently not to be trusted with colas in the presence of Martha and Paige. Good times.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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