magic bus

10.04.03 @ 5:33 p.m.

Our bathroom mirror is MAGICAL. I swear, there's never a time I don't look just charmingly cute in that mirror. Nor do I ever feel short or like my hips are way too wide. It's the best mirror in the WORLD. Everyone should have a mirror like the one in our bathroom.

What a good reason to keep this house, eh?

Today I had a VisComm workshop, which is to say I sat in a lab with 13 other people and bashed away at Quark Express until I think I figured out the basics. We were trying to copy a table of contents page from a Martha Stewart Living magazine, though we kind of played fast and loose with that. (That is to say, we were at liberty to use whatever colors we wanted on the text rather than the rather unattractive yellow on the original.) The J-School here has fifty bazillion fonts, which is almost heaven, except you have to work your way through them to find the ones you want, and even then you're only approximating as well as you can. But, I was one of the first groups to take this workshop, so I can go in on Monday and start off on my first project with relatively little competition. I hope. I am going to try to be good and stay ahead of my work in this class, especially since I genuinely enjoy graphic design.

When I got to campus, though, I thought I was well and truly screwed, because I hadn't bothered to check the return schedule for my bus until I was actually at UO. The workshop was to end at 5, the last bus to leave at 4:35. I had resigned myself to a 10-13 block walk home but I was lucky--The teacher let us out at 4:25. Whew. That'll teach me not to plan. I should have just taken my bike.

(Aside: "Time is Passing" = auditory magnificence. Just so you know.) (Odds & Sods version.)

Speaking of the Who, I've come to realize a lot about Keith Moon's drumming by reading his bio. For one, I never consciously noticed the way he makes drums a lead by playing riffs rather than just keeping the time. Well, he is keeping time right now as I listen to "Pure and Easy" but there are also a lot of fills as the other instruments pick up. "Leaving Here" off Odds and Sods is a good example and the whole reason I'm listening to this album right now anyway.

I also read somewhere that "Cobwebs & Strange" is the closest thing you'll ever hear to a drummer producing a melody on his kit.

What I should do today: Clean my room. I'm still mid-unpack despite having been here for nearly two weeks now. And it's just rather a mess. Things need to be unboxed, E* needs to get her stuff the hell out of my cabinet in the bathroom so I can use it, and I need to make my desk usable.

Also: I should be going to the grocery store right now. I need milk, cereal, and something to turn into lunches for school. There's no fucking way I'm going to try to buy food on campus again. Too hard. No real good food. The hippie-organic stuff at the Holy Cow caf� doesn't appeal after one meal there and the line for Subway is insanely long. Plus they're always out of key sandwich ingredients. The groceries I can put off until tomorrow, though, unless I plan on eating breakfast. And even then, I reckon I could wait until after going to the store. The temptation is just to hang around here, tidy up, practice my guitar, and do some homework. Then there's the Jack Black hosted SNL premiere (<-Did I spell that wrong? British? Wait, no, it's "Premier" drums, isn't it? Agh. Don't know, don't care.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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