anarchy in the usa

07.27.03 @ 12:21 p.m.

Fucking laptop has gone wrong again. It works, it doesn't work, I can go online, all I can do is watch DVDs and play the Sims (obsessively, since I lost all my good families, including the Goths who were millionaires). I hate it so much. Once the tech support people told me to reset the firmware, but I don't know how to do that any more. I wrote it down once, too, but god only knows where the notebook I wrote it in went. Sooo.... I'm kind of screwed.

To be or not to be.... I might be making a trek down to San Francisco to see (drumroll)... The Sex Pistols. The original four Sex Pistols (Glen Matlock, the bassist before Sid Vicious, has joined Steve Jones and Paul Cook, and of course, the inimitable Johnny Rotten.) Now me, I love the Sex Pistols. "Anarchy in the UK" and "God Save the Queen" are two of my favorite songs. I also dig songs like "Liar", although I've only listened to "Bodies" once because it kind of freaked me out a little. A cheery little ditty about abortion. Yay. I'd be listening to the Sex Pistols even now, if Martha didn't have my copy of Never Mind the Bollocks for her Rock History class. I'm not sure I want to go, though. I mean, I love the Sex Pistols, but I am a teensy bit afraid of the Sex Pistols' diehard fans. I'm also fucking broke. I even said "no" when I talked to Martha this morning, but then my dad offered to chip in. I hate to disappoint Martha and Andrew, who really want to go. Martha also felt like it was too expensive, more than she wanted to pay. I am so indecisive. My dad felt I should have her buy the ticket anyway and if I decide that I don't want to go or can't go, I'm only out the price of the ticket and I can probably sell it. Gaah. Once in a lifetime, though.

And what is the age of twenty for if not adventure? But of course, my parents are afraid something will happen to me.

AAAGH. I don't know what I'm thinking right now. Just rambling inanely as usual. Tomorrow I'm probably going to Eugene again as the temperatures climb up past 100 degrees. The table isn't done, but I have a dresser and maybe a desk to take down, but now my dad denies that he offered me a desk. And we have to take some pots and pans down to E*, who has almost nothing. Well, she has one thing but she lacks the English vocabulary to tell me what exactly it is. So who knows.

I think I want to spend the rest of today listening to the Who while I try to finish up sewing my curtains.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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