behind blue eyes

07.18.03 @ 11:01 p.m.

Good lord. I'm home again, finally! I spent all day in Eugene. We had to deliver some furniture for E* to use, including what I think are some delightfully retro chairs. Not even retro, vintage. They're smoked plastic and orange and yellow upholstry. And they swivel. And, well, they just rock. They're really awesome. And I just love them. I'm glad E* doesn't seem to hate them, so all is relatively well. The dining table is still here because I'm chemically stripping the paint from it. It's nice mahogany that some idiot painted brown. Why the hell would anyone do that? It's beautiful wood underneath. I'm at a loss. And I'm also probably getting cancer from the chemicals. Or causing myself 'reproductive harm.' That worries me more. But I'm trying not to be hyper paranoid. And Mom told me she'd work on it tomorrow.

We went down and hung around for a little while. I showed E* how to use an LP player, and I left a precious Paul Simon LP there. I shouldn't have. I feel like I should call her tomorrow and say "BE CAREFUL WITH THE NEEDLE ON THE LP PLAYER". In fact, I just called her now. She's also got an Elton John's Greatest Hits (circa 1974) and a Mamas and Papas LP to play with. Lucky her. Our record player has been sans needle for a long time. We tried to see if another player we had worked, but the turntable motor is shot. I know there's yet another LP player (with a working 8-track, if I'm not mistaken) that Dad bought last summer or so, but I don't know where it is. Dad has it somewhere. Anyway, then we went to Goodwill in Eugene (bust... I've been to, oh, five or six Goodwills in the last week) and then to Target. We spent a lot of time and a lot of money there. We bought two bookshelves and a LOT of cleaning supplies. A mop, a broom, a bucket, some sponges, and the like. And some curtains. Drapes, really. Our freaking house has no curtains.

It becomes clearer and clearer that our landlord is a neglectful sonofabitch. He didn't clean up the place prior to our moving in like he promised to. Some of our locks really suck. There are gaps in the hard wood flooring near one of the walls. The fireplace looks really dirty inside too, lots of soot. But that's expected. I'm more pleased that I figured out how to open up the flue. But I have a key now, a key to my place! It's a lovely little house. I should snag E*'s digital camera and take some pictures of it when we get furnished a little better.

Mom and I were leisurely on the way back. We stopped at Wendy's to eat and I was given a Root Beer instead of Coca Cola. Eugh. Root Beer is too sweet a lot of the time. And I don't want another goddamn Fresca, even though I do generally like it. And now I'm making email plans with Martha and Andrew to do my hair tomorrow. I'm excited. My mom doesn't understand that I want to do it soon so I can enjoy it as long as possible in case I have to cut it off to get a job in the fall.




fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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