louie louie

07.15.03 @ 11:43 p.m.



I am, like, perversely thrilled at watching Animal House today. Actually, there's a half hour left of it. But still. Through a good portion of the movie, I've been bouncing up and down in my seat (somehow we've ended up watching most of it at the kitchen table on my 9" TV/VCR) and going "Ohmigod, that's Carson Hall! I got my mail there! I went there almost every day!" and "Look! The Knight Library! Except it isn't the Knight Library yet!" I'm actually kind of surprised at my growing respect for John Belushi. I think I spelled that wrong. It's so much fun. Outside shots of my favorite lawns and the library and the Admin building and a foodfight in a little something called the Fishbowl. Which has changed dramatically since 1978, but is still recognizable.

UGH. How mad am I at E*? Pretty damn upset, I'll tell you that. She negelcted to tell me that, er, the girl who was giving us a ton of furniture because she was going to Europe is not, in fact, going to Europe and is keeping all her furniture. So we get to scrounge up our own stuff.


So I spent a good portion of today visiting two Goodwills and a St. Vincent DePaul, pricing couches. And we have to get all the appropriate cooking utensils because, damnit, I know how to cook. E*, apparently, does not. I told her my mom had bought a set of measuring cups and E* said (while I was on the phone with her tonight), "Do you bake?" Yes, I bake, damnit, why do you sound so surprised?

Ah, how was she to know I took Home Ec in junior high (much baking of scones and cookies, mostly... I remember one group put their scones in the oven on wax paper and started a small fire - fun) and Gourmet Foods in high school. I can decorate a kickass cake using all those fiddly little icing tips. Oh yeah. So, I'm capable of reading a recipe at the least. I'm not worried about feeding myself.

So Friday I'll be back in good ol' Eugene. That'll be... fun. Yeah.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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