tommy's holiday camp

06.15.03 @ 1:21 p.m.

Stupid, stupid dogs. Gah. Billy continues to be nothing but trouble. I had him in the house last night, and I intended it to be for no more than an hour, but then I got paranoid that he was breathing super fast and panicked and called my dad, who told me to keep him in for at least another hour and keep an eye on him. Damn. And of course the dog thinks he's the king of world, so he spent most of the evening sprawled on my parents' bed. I laid there with him and watched a horrible Penny Marshall-directed movie. Mom will probably be pissed that her bed is dirty, covered in dog hair, and smells rather doggy. But Dad seemed amused when I said "He thinks your bed is his bed." Clearly this is a dog that spends more time indoors than I had ever thought. The indoor time was supposed to seguey into me putting him in the barn again, after moving his water bucket, which was the suspected means of escape the first time around. He seemed content.

This morning at nine, I was woken (I had gotten up at seven to let my dog out and feed her, then dragged myself back to bed) by my dog barking at the front door. Eventually I decided I had to investigate and... Billy, the weasel, had broken out again and was fortunately running around inside the big pen. I just grabbed shoes and closed it up and went to tell Grandma he got loose again. She thinks he squeezes under the door (physically fucking impossible, this dog is a goddamn HORSE), I say he's just strong enough to struggle over a low point in the wall of his indoor pen. Ugh.

Man. I shouldn't check email/dland/type when I'm trying to listen to music. I was trying to listen to Tommy all the way through today, but six tracks have passed without me noticing. I dragged a boombox into the bathroom and listened to "Overture" through, ah, "The Acid Queen" in the shower. Heh heh.

But the last couple of days haven't been all horrors. Well, I ate TONS of food yesterday, but that's neither here nor there. Just odd. I got a copy of the reissue version of My Generation which is quite interesting. Roger so wants to be James Brown, especially in the bonus tracks. Oh, oh, and this advertisement or rather advertisements, are priceless. The first is Moon pitching milkshake mix, nothing special, but the second... oh... Pete... selling... THE US AIRFORCE! What the hell!? With "Happy Jack" playing in the background no less!

I also got to be a little artsy-craftsy. I scraped all the paint off part of my CD player in a fit of destructiveness on Friday night and last night I gave it a classy new paint job. It's nice. Later today I think I'll scan it and post it. My original plan was just to paint it and decoupage some magazine clippings related to music to it, like I have Pete's name from a Time magazine article and a clipping that says "Was the Band to Blame?" etc. I would have liked to attack a Musician's Friend catalog, but I don't know how long Dad wants to keep the ones I see around. I think I'm going to paint a big cookie tin I have with a bluesy/rock theme (if I can find the appropriate magazine clippings or some photo for inspiration) for Father's Day. I have two extra days to get it done, too, since I'm sans-parents until Tuesday evening.

Ooh, I have to do a big batch of scanning today--I have all the fashion drawings I did one day off Modculture to scan. And a couple partial portraits of Pete. Man. I need to draw. And paint.

I can't believe I almost forgot! I got my black stratocaster down from Dad's 'studio' and a Crate amplifier and have been rocking the house. Aaah, heavy overdrive hides a number of ills. I was doing (I think) a credible "Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere" and trying to play with the pickup switch for the morse code bits. It sounded cool, but not nearly as cool as the album. I need to print some new tab, my Who riff book isn't that great, because it's just an introduction to 'the distinctive riffs and styles of Pete Townshend.' Not whole songs. Annoying.

So. I need lunch and to scan things and to try to think of a design for my Father's Day gift. And maybe some other base piece to design. Metal is kind of a bitch to paint with acrylics, sometimes. It just peels off.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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