here on out

05.31.03 @ 10:39 p.m.

Ho hum. I do not update and then I am sad by half my usual counter stats. I am a geek.

That said, this is yet another oddly desperate attempt not to work. I can almost see myself from the outside, grabbing at anything that means I don't have to settle down and work hard so that I can get this done on time. It's ridiculous. Look at me, I almost pulled an Andrew/Slavik and wrote 'rediculous.' Which belongs on my list of pet peeves. Persistant mispelling. Not as bad as people incapable of spelling 'lose.' I see that a lot in the pages and pages of horrible fanfic I read when I get bored. Lately I've been sticking to Austen, which is at least usually a higher quality of writing. And I am intrigued by a guy at the DWG who is trying to set P&P to the music of Gilbert and Sullivan.

I'm cleaning my CD player with one of those CDs with the little brush on it. I've essentially stolen the cleaner CD from E*, so it's all public domain music and stock sound effects interpersed with instructions... in Chinese. So I have no idea what it's telling me. But right now my stereo is making a noise like an airplane taking off, having just finished the train whistle and cheesy thunder effects. Ooh! It's done!

Mainly I wanted to listen to Nez Jr.'s CD (Garret--I had a minor crush on him and have arbitrarily decided he looked a little like Mike Nesmith, hence "Nez Jr."). The at least one person I know who sometimes reads this at UO might be more familiar the band name "Here On Out" from Shafer last year. I think I'll refrain from telling the Mad Cow Disease Song anecdote yet again, although I don't think I've had anyone who's stuck around long enough to have heard it before. Still. I'll spare myself, if not you.

Let's see. I talked with Slavik on Thursday, I think. He was enthused about going to a Built to Spill concert last night, and was amazed I had heard of them even if I didn't know anything but their name. He also admitted to not liking older music that much and has called every current band I like 'retro'. Hmmph. Look, you can see me getting visibly disenchanted with the boy! Hah. Pretty soon I'll have to give up my vague fantasies revolving around Who Boy for the summer, too. How sad for me.

I think I've nearly talked up the White Stripes so much to my dad that he may well go out and purchase Elephant. Which I will promptly steal. He's so proud of me for listening to Blonde on Blonde today. He really wants me to like Dylan, and I love him... as a songwriter. I still don't much like his voice, but it's growing on me. I would like "I Want You" better if his voice kept pace better with the instruments. In my opinion, of course. I am well aware there are those who feel Dylan can do no wrong.

I also listened to almost all of All Things Must Pass (George Harrison) today. I do like that, I just haven't gotten into it.

If I hadn't slipped and put in Who's Next to drown out stupid Duck Idol talent contest on the lawn north of my building, I would have suceeded in my tentative goal of a Who-free day. This may be a shocking concept. But I'm a little scared of burning myself out on them, so I'm thinking some moderation and variety is called for.

Eek. An alternately black and white spot is flickering on the far left of my field of vision. I am freaked out by that. I guess I'll take this as my cue to get the fuck back to work.

*whine, whine*



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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