time of your life

05.11.03 @ 10:18 p.m.

Candace, if you're interested, my first impressions of Tommy are here.

So. Where have I been for two days?

I'll give you a moment to prepare for the shining glamour that is my life before I start.



Well, a major factor of this weekend, possibly the standout feature of yesterday was... the suspense is killing you, eh? I'm going to bet this is bloody annoying and I'll stop now... dog vomit. Copious amounts thereof. How can one unhappy, carsick dog get nasty, mucky, half-digested kibble all over EVERYTHING? It was, of course, Sassy. If any dog is going to fuck up a weekend, it's going to be Sassy, the grand high freak of our kennel. She was even more nervy and crazy today than yesterday, which I didn't even think was possible, but it is. Sally, her full-blood sister but not a littermate, was also slightly mad but not as outrageously out of control as Sassy. Quinn, also known as Quina and Sally's littermate, was quite good. She, at least, has an excellent temperment. I think that crazy must run down the X chromasomes. Or rather that sane must come from the Bunjee Y chromasome. Except that Quinn is a girl and is sane. But Nezzie's female pups are just freakin' looney. Billy Boy, Sassy's brother and littermate, is about as wonderful an animal as you could want.

The weekend was fairly boring but not unpleasant. Dad and I stayed in a Motel 6, which is the first time I've been in one of those in years and years. We watched SNL, which wasn't fantastic this week, but Dad pretty much fell asleep in the middle. He swears up and down he doesn't snore, but there was a big chunk of the night where I lay in bed glaring at the ceiling and unable to sleep because of his window rattling snores. I did so many passive-agressive things (that usually work on E* when she occasionally snores) like smacking the bed loudly to try to subtly wake the other person up. I'm evil, I know. I can't just be patient or tolerant or anything like that. Oh no. Mostly I sat around oh-so-cosmopolitan (*coughsarcasmcough*) Renton, Washington, at some community center, and I marked the show catalog. How thrilling.

Tonight was more so. We went to see A Mighty Wind. Yaay! I do love Christopher Guest movies. I still haven't seen Spinal Tap, but I've seen all the other mockumentaries. My family, naturally, has a strong affinity for Best In Show. This new one was quite good, I thought, though I don't have much affection for folk music. My parents, I think, were a little unsatisfied with the lack of out and out comedy in the Mitch and Micky segments, which were quite poignant at times. Happy Mother's day, Mom. She also gets those radio show tickets.

Oof. I have had so much junk food and sugary cola in the last two days than in the last two weeks put together. I am not feeling my best.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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