a beggar, a hypocrite, love reign o'er me (pete's theme, quadrophenia)

05.07.03 @ 1:35 p.m.

What I should be doing: Studying desperately for my Astronomy exam which I shall have to leave for in 10 minutes.

What I am doing: Wasting time writing here. Finding out that Townshend will be listed as a sex offender even though he was cleared of any charges pisses me off no end, but I'm going to try to not let it bother me... for now. I already did some incoherent stuttering on Candace's notes page.

Now all that remains is for Who Boy to finally show up somewhere on campus where I can find him, and I would indignantly share some news. That would ameliorate my unhappiness.

Alas, that's unlikely. Damn it, Pete. Why did you have to resort to being a vigilante? Vigilante-ism NEVER WORKS unless you live in a fucking comic book. *sigh*

Didn't I say I wasn't going to let it bother me? Apparently I am a liar.

Vindication of my previous rants came today in the form of Martha-outrage as expressed in emails. I asked if it was selfish of me to be angry that Amy seems to be following my punk leanings. She said, "No, because you don't need her poseur weight dragging you down!" We're both so violently against people acting as something their not, and I wonder at the intensity of our feelings. I think maybe we have a tendency to amplify one another. Not necessarily a good thing.

Well, the clock ticks down and I shall go to my Astronomy-related doom. (Which makes it sound like I'll be tossed into a black hole if I fail, or a meteor will strike me. No, I don't want those thoughts--after all, my worried thoughts for Pete came distressingly true.)

2:45: Addendum:

We had to watch the ultra-cheesy video that goes with our Italian book, and I heard the following exchange between the teacher and one of my fellow students (don't worry, I'll translate):
Student: Mi non piac� Piero [I don't like Piero (the man in the videos)]
Teacher: Perch�? [Why?]
Student: Piero � un tool. [Piero is a tool.]
Teacher: Che significa tool? [What does 'tool' mean?]
Student: Uh... it doesn't translate.

When we were asked to write a summary of the video, I heard him quietly ask his neighbor how you said 'low-budget' in italian.

I think you had to be there. *sigh*



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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