early morning cold taxi

04.13.03 @ 11:40 p.m.

I went shopping with Amy today and made the intended trip to Hot Topic, and while they had the Rock and Roll Circus shirt, they did not have my size. I am devastated. Not really. I'll just order it or something, though I'll probably wait until after this weekend, when I'll be going home.

Oh, lord, I better pack something vaguely nice, I'm supposed to dine at Dorian and Julia (my brother and new-ish sister-in-law)'s house this weekend. Eep.

What I did get was a brown Strokes t-shirt on clearance. Woohoo. I also tortured myself by going into Suncoast video and finding a DVD of Tommy that I didn't have the money to buy.

Who cares about that. I went shopping, I hung out with an old friend who slightly overstayed her welcome yet again. Big surprises all around.

My raptures about last night (with the lovely library time and general pleasantness) was topped off with a two hour conversation with Slavik. Instant Messanger, of course. It was fabulous, mainly because we were totally artists to each other, such snobs. It sounds bad, but it was great, really. We sent each other scans of recent work and discussed technique, talked about music theories (like my new theory based on a conversation with my friends Andrew and Martha, who claim to listen to the vocals and lyrics to a song first, whereas Slavik and I listen to the music first--I've determined that it's because we're musicians (of a sort) and can therefore appreciate the skill and aesthetic value of the music better somehow) and bands and concerts. We bemoaned the fact that Slavik went to a Fastball concert alone two years ago because he couldn't find anyone to go with him, and I would have died to go. I was so jealous when he talked about it the next day. We also talked about writing a bit, and I impressed him with NaNoWriMo and my successful completion of it. I even admitted to my lack of editing.

Suddenly, I am feeling tremendously ill, so I think I'll stop here.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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