i'm all lost in the supermarket

04.07.03 @ 3:12 p.m.

Students at Brown and Northwestern Universities are taking my philosophy professor away from me next week. Alain the GTF will teach instead for that week while Prof. Johnson will be lecturing on... imagination, I think he said.

Speaking of, the following exchange took place in class this morning. We were talking about Plato and the danger of emotions raised by tragedy.

Johnson: What's wrong with fear?
Random Student 1: It inhibits you?

Johnson: Inhibits you from what?
Random Student 2: Joining the army?

Okay, it wasn't hilarious, but I felt it was worth writing down.

I just now got back from Astronomy, which was AMAZINGLY boring. To my irritation, I was reminded that Professor Zimmerman pronounces "special" and "spatial" exactly the same. So he starts talking about how astronomers at one point decided there was nothing "spatial" about our galaxy which heartily confused me until I remembered his inability to pronounce the "eh" sound. "Collisions" becomes "Cahleeshuns" somewhere between the man's brain and his mouth. It's a bit of a trial listening to him for a while.

I'm liking my Philosphy of the Arts class, though. I'm not going to start studying Philosophy in any depth (I'm still leery of it after dealing with that banshee, Naomi Zack. Guh, that woman! She could not let a student express an opinion without interrupting and saying "No, you're wrong." She was horrible. Plus she had a different person grading papers every time, so there was no consistancy. My grades went up and down like a roller coaster and so did the grades of several of my classmates. Anyway. Mark Johnson, though, is pretty cool, even if E* doesn't like him. I can't imagine why, he's the only Kantian professor on the faculty and she loves Kant almost as much as she loves Neizche.

I won't even begin to analyze her. I still tend to think that at some deep fundamental level, she doesn't really understand things. Or maybe it's just movies she's incapable of understanding. I don't know, all I know is that I'm being highly condescending and I really shouldn't do that.

And she's listening to Pink Floyd, and I don't much like Pink Floyd. As far as I can tell, she doesn't much like Pink Floyd either, but some of her friends do and so she makes an effort.

Of course, I could be entirely misreading the situation. I admit to being very very slightly miffed at her right now because she's so fucking nosy. "Where were you? Do you have a class at 2? I don't know why you weren't here." Fuck off, what does it matter to you if I'm here at 2 or not? Isn't it better if I'm NOT here all the time? I don't know why it bothers me so much that she always wants to know where I'm going and where I've been when I just don't give a fuck about her whereabouts.

Now I've done a very good job of painting myself as a total bitch, bravo.


As I left Italian today, I had the Clash's "Lost in the Supermarket" stuck in my head but I was also halfway thinking in Italian, so I ended up with the lyrics "I'm all lost in il supermercato" running through my head, then I spent some time trying to approximate an Italian version of the lines "I wasn't born so much as I fell out" with little success.

I drew a very badly done picture of Pete Townshend in my Astronomy notes. I've been feeling very artistically motivated lately, so I might dig up a photo to draw from or make a collage with my box of magazine clippings or just add to the box.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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