daily show dream

02.13.03 @ 11:11 p.m.

I just remembered that last night I had a dream about Steven Colbert of the Daily Show... Jon Stewart was also there, but not all the time. It was odd, like the Daily Show was this diner at first. Then I started working there as a writer, I think. At some point I think Steven got... jealous? of the way my career was going and I and this other girl ended up giving him this hug to comfort him. I only remember bits and pieces, and I didn't remember at all before I saw Steven Colbert on the Daily Show just now.

Tomorrow means pretty much nothing to me, except that I'm going to go buy my Igby Goes Down pants and I have to send an electronic birthday card to my aunt, since it's her birthday. Her 40th, I think. Big number, but then I'm not completely positive.

One more thing before I drag myself over to my 'homework' (though there's a strong temptation to skip class, but I did it the week before last) I... damn. I was going to talk about some commercial that annoys the hell out of me but I got distracted and forgot. So I guess I'll say that I'm excited for the next X-Men movie, because I've always had a soft spot for Wolverine, back in the days that the X-Men cartoon was on Fox Kids.



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