blonde on blonde

01.24.03 @ 12:36 p.m.

I need to start writing things down when I hear them. The thing is, I had two or three things I really wanted to write about here during the course of attending my classes, but I've forgotten almost all of them. Part of the reason I forgot is that a former German exchange student that used to hang out with my group of friends in high school (but not me personally, so I don't know her too well) wrote us a mass email asking what the real American opinion on War in Iraq. Do Americans really think like Bush, etc.? I wrote a reply, but I regretted not being able be as clear or informed as I would have liked to be.

I do remember one thing I was thinking of today: I think it was Wednesday that I made some comment about stopping at Clancy Thurber's to buy some nasty, nasty hot chocolate... Well, I got out of Anthtropology early and I was starving and as I started regretting leaving all my cash in my room, I remembered that I had my card for meal points, so I could go to Clancy's and get something. Eventually I got a poppyseed muffin and some iced tea and started to leave, but I still had 20 minutes before class so I settled into a booth to eat my muffin and take a look at my Italian homework.

I thought that place was so cool, and it is in appearance, but it's unfortunatly populated by vapid blondes in sorority sweatshirts. Damn. I wish coffeehouse culture hadn't been appropriated by the mainstream so much. The thing about going to Starbucks late at night is that there's an eclectic collection of customers. Drag Queens, Ski Lodge Guy (who is ALWAYS there), Devon the Annoyingly Touchy-Feely Guy, etc. etc.

So Clancy's is not going to become a morning hangout, though it is convenient to have a place that takes the dorm's meal plan in the academic part of campus. (All the other dining places are in the residential area, naturally.)

When I'm bored, I make buddy icons for AIM. I have a ton of them. But right now I'm bored and I'm going to make some desktop pictures for my computer. I'm feeling graphic arsty.

Oh! and it occurred to me today that I shouldn't be thinking of myself as not writing, because actually I've been producing little bits of the add-on to Riverwood I've been writing.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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