i'm gonna buy me a dog

01.20.03 @ 3:38 p.m.

I really need to get over Tommy. I've listened to it three or four times in the last few days. Still, almost everytime I listen to it, the story is that much more clear in my mind. Plus I've started to listen to songs I used to skip over, like "Amazing Journey" and "The Acid Queen."

A half hour ago I was in the shower singing "Christmas" rather loudly, but the only person in the house is my dad and he's on the tredmill, oblivious to everyone.

Today was another day of dog show and it started badly. Billy-O had managed to convince me yesterday that despite his being a big hulking thing at only ten months old, he was just a big kitten of a dog and I would have no problems with him. Ha. Ha. Ha. He managed to pull me over in the unspeakably disgusting parking lot and now I have unidentifiable dark stains on my jeans. Ew, ew, ew. But I wasn't hurt, for all Grandma's idiotic fawning over me. I had to tell her about four or five times that I was fine, the only thing injured was my pride. Then I was supposed to take Billy across the main exhibition hall to our set up area and he was just too much. He slides on the smooth concrete and eventually I just had to stop and wrangle with him until my dad could come back. He knocked my glasses off at one point and I had to ask a security lady to pick them up so they wouldn't get stepped on. Embarassing.

Still, I'm not the only one with horrible luck today. My uncle Don apparently got fed up with Sassy's freaking out (and oh my god, it was so much worse today) and jerked on the leash. Well, a ha ha ha, it snapped. I have no idea how he managed to get ahold of her after that, but he came up dragging her by her choke chain (actually, now that I think of it, she was dragging him) and had to go buy a new show leash. He also got a nasty friction burn on his pants and I presume his leg as well. One of his parishoners (he's a Methodist minister... odd in a family of agnostics and athiests and Catholics) came to see 'his' dogs and Don spent a lot of time explaining conformation dog shows to him. Fun fun.

There were these two women from the GSDCO (German Shepherd Dog Club of Oregon - my dad is one of the board members) whom Dad wanted to avoid, but I didn't really recognize them (until I got up close, but in other situations I wouln't have known them at all) so he sent me to fetch him free coffee from Eukanuba. At first he didn't want me to go because he knew they'd recognize me, which I doubted. Eventually he did send me when it was clear they weren't leaving anytime soon. They did indeed recognize me, said "Hi Ellen," and when I gave a noncommittal I-don't-really-know-you-sorry "Hi," they started chatting with each other about how tiny I was when they first saw me. I left as quickly as I could without spilling coffee all over myself. I am so rude.

Merrilee Rush (of "Angel of the Morning" fame) was listed in the show catalog as owner/breeder of Meriadoc's Ma Barker, I think it was, an Old English Sheepdog. Heehee, a sixties pop star at a dog show. The Old English Sheepdogs weren't on until 1, though, and we were home by 10 a.m.

I bet it's absolute torture for my dad 'cause I'm sitting here singing along with Tommy at the top of my lungs because, hey, I don't really have that kind of liberty at school. Muahaha.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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