homeward bound

12.10.02 @ 12:02 p.m.

Thank the deity of your choice, I'm done with finals. Done. That's it. I'm free... for the next three and a half weeks. It seems like such a rip off to only get three weeks of vacation compared to last year's full month. I guess that's because we started a week later this year, but it's still not so very fun. Humph. Lucky me, though, my finals decided to be over with by Tuesday morning so now I just have to wait an hour or so for my wonderful nice father (who is wonderful nice because he's not making me take Greyhound today, hurrah!) to get here and spirit me back up to Portland.

I'm writing in weird voice, aren't I? I don't know why. Maybe because I was just writing an essay on monumental evidence (churches, ruins, big carved hunks of stone) and what it shows about a culture's fears and values. Handwritten in one of those blue books, except at Oregon their green books, just to be pretentious I guess. They're the exact same thing except with 25% recycled materials and the U of O seal on the cover. So yeah, my hand hurts. I'm more likely to get a hand cramp from writing and writing and writing on an essay than on something I want to write or when I draw, probably because I'm stressed. For example, I wrote on about ten half sheets of paper in two hours and I'm totally maimed. Actually, not, since I can type just fine. However, in an hour and a half of Shakespeare class I could produce pages and pages of notes without crippling myself.

Did I mention my parents just went out and bought a DVD player? I don't know why I'm shocked by this, but I am. I guess I thought I'd never see the day. And I'm a little ticked that they bought a new toy when I wasn't around. So now, as the only DVD owner in the household, I'm ordered to bring my Harry Potter and A Hard Day's Night DVDs back to Portland with me today. Ordered. Humph.

Yeah, so I'm a spoiled brat, huh?

I still have a ton of food plan points, so I need to boogie on over to Grab and Go before my dad gets here. I think I'm going to try and get me some hummas and organic blue corn chips. Mmm Mmm. Snack of the gods. I should also probably conceal the package of Mint Oreos I bought so that my dad doesn't get on my case. Ha. Dad not getting on my case about food.

Man, we're one screwed up family... but then, who doesn't have an at least moderately bizarre family? Hmmm?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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