the beach and pink socks

11.12.02 @ 11:22 a.m.

*sigh* My roommate is stalking by proxy, apparently. We spent the evening with her friend Natalie (watching the modernized Hamlet, good fucking lord am I sick of Hamlet) and after she left, she says "Oh, Natalie knows Slavik, too." Where the fuck did that one come from? I mentioned him a few times in passing but not that much I think. Regardless, I think it's highly weird that my roommate who doesn't even know him is asking after him. Apparently the boy knows EVERYONE. That's cool. Anyway, Natalie knows him through being an exchange student just like Sophie knows him. Still, it bothers me a little that E* asked after him. I don't know, it's weird. Who asks after people they've never even met? Maybe if he were my good friend it would be a different matter, but I think we're just barely friends. I mean, I did each lunch with him and Martha and Amy for nearly a year. And we three (Slav, me, Martha) had a rather disturbing conversation where we made each other totally paraniod about the world being like the Truman Show.... but we wouldn't know it if we were the star. So we kept saying "I'd tell you if it was you... but it's not. It's not me, is it? You'd tell me if it was me, right?" etc. In retrospect it's pretty funny. And I enjoyed it at the time. Then we started getting annoyed at stupid bastard Aaron who was at the height of his disguistingly grope-intensive (in public! Eugh!) relationship with Moni and had come with us on the April beach trip. He wasn't originally invited, but became so through a series of complicated events involving Judith (an international student) and one of her international student friends. The trip was partly in Judith's honor, and her friend invited Aaron despite the fact that said friend wasn't even going. Stupid, weird, I don't know. So we were pissed with Aaron because we were comfortably huddled under an overhang chatting while the other members of our party, in a fit of insanity, were playing in the freezing Pacific (we were at Short Sands, Oregon), and Aaron had come up near us and was apparently intent on bringing down the entire cliffside around us by knocking bits of rock off the cliff wall. We said 'What are you doing (you moron)?' He said 'I'm cleaning.' We quietly decided Aaron was more of a nutcase than we'd previously thought.

There were some spectacular things about that beach trip despite the fact that there was a bunch of tension about Moni and Aaron. Less than spectacular: sitting at Ecola Seafood and desperately wanting to be a part of Slavik and Martha's conversation, but being stuck at the end listening (well, trying not to listen) to Moni describing her recent gynocological exam etc. That was horrifying. I made some snarky comments. Martha did, too. Most memoriable was "If I catch them doing anything I am causing a fucking scene." More spectacular (and less likely to get me into trouble for recounting): Allayne and Emily Ferris laughed like crazy for a really long time. It was amazing. They just couldn't stop. I think that it started because I was borrowing a cell phone to call my parental units and Allayne wanted to make moaning noises for background noise or something. I don't know, really. I was on the phone at the time.

*sigh* Good times. The beach trips are still mega fun, although lately it seems like they always end with some sort of drama. Last time it was complaints about Paige being hard to live with. I guess Spring Break didn't really have any sort of trouble, not that I really remember. Oh, yeah, I didn't like Martha's new friends. But that wasn't much of anything. It just meant I was relieved when they had gone.

Well, this has kind of depressed me. I had meant to write about how I had been noticing indiviual physical features on people, like how E*'s friend Natalie's nose moves when she smiles, like the skin across it is really tight. It was interesting. And I noticed last night that Saunders apparently got a hair cut and refreshed the red dye on the tips. Ha. I just thought of a couple of weeks ago, he was wearing this pink shirt and the class wasn't talking much. All of a sudden he goes "Do you know it's impossible to get pink socks for men?" Then he lifts up his leg for all of us to see and said "I had to get these in the girl's department." (I'm laughing just remembering this.) Then he said something about how it was just fine for men to wear pink socks when Elvis was big. I think he said something disparaging about Elvis then, but I don't remember. That, in turn, reminds me of something he said a week or so ago. "You don't bury your family in the back yard anymore. Unless you're Elvis Presley's family." God, I can't believe that class is going to be over soon. It's such a depressing thought.

See?!? I can't do anything today without getting depressed. Damn.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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