passion destroyed

11.06.02 @ 8:58 p.m.

Fuck, fuck, the whole world hates me. I had an entry half written and then my computer completely freaked out. Damnit.

Well, what I did have written was a bit on how royally pissed I am at Jessi for sending a group email lambasting us for not wanting to attend a party on a fucking Sunday night at midterm time. She has the gall to try and tell us what college is all about when she doesn't even GO to college. It will all end in fighting and I don't like that at all. I'm so fucking pissed off at her.

So all that drama made me nearly forget all we were doing with Lear (hence the title of this entry: all the new-flowing anger made me lose my usual passion for the plays that I normally return from class with) as tonight is Wednesday--Shakespeare class. Identity. Misogyny. Lack of happy endings. Speaking of happy endings, the Tate version of King Lear is laughably sappy. Cordelia and Edgar fall in love.

CORDELIA: My Edgar, oh!
EDGAR: My dear Cordelia! Lucky was the minute
Of our approach. The gods have weighed our sufferings;
W'are past the fire, and now we must shine to ages.

Not to mention the fact that Lear, Lear of all people, seizes two of the guards (!) who are watching over he and Cordelia and kills two of them with his bare hands. LEAR! It's ridiculous.

I've never read Lear all the way through to the end. I've read scene summaries and that got me through the test for Comparative Lit last year. I intend to read the rest of it this weekend. Saunders said if the end of Lear doesn't hit you like the end of Se7en does, then you haven't really gotten it. I'm very intrigued.

There was a lot of stuff about identity, but I just don't have the passion for it that I ususally do, what with having to deal with all that drama with the group and Jessi and all. Damn her for ruining my enthusiasm.

Oh, and we (E*, Nora, and I) just finished watching the Goonies. Interesting enough, but I don't quite understand how it's become this paragon of culture for those of us born in the 1980s. I don't think it lives up to the hype placed on it by people my age.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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