well, well

10.29.02 @ 12:00 p.m.

I am bouncing off the fucking walls. I think eating the iced tea powder straight wasn't such a good idea...

In all seriousness--Monkeeland and giggling at some of Kyle's posts is making me silly. I think a boardfull of girls is going to his head. :) I'm also freaking out that I chickened out on talking to S- AGAIN! I want to tell him about the Bowie dream... suggest that since Martha and I are maybe going to be in Corvallis this weekend... well, I probably wouldn't go that far. Still, I sit here staring at his IM name trying to think of a reason to IM him without sounding... over excited. A little too enthused. WHY DO I FUCKING TORTURE MYSELF LIKE THIS? I've talked myself into having a thing for S- again. I was perfectly fine and then he had to email back and be fucking charming. Bastard!

Ahem. I'm better now.

I've noticed that because the leaves are falling but it hasn't been rainy, I've been kind walking so that I kick up leaves if at all possible when I go from class to class. I'm so easily enchanted by things like that. They aren't crunchy leaves, but they're dry enough to scuff through and kick around unobtrusively.

I also wanted a good reason to stay after and talk to Saunders last night. The movie was cancelled, which was depressing. E* and I watched Life of Brian and two eps of Pride and Prejudice instead. The girl is almost as far gone as me when it comes to that movie. Except she has problems with people kissing in movies. I don't get it. She gets all upset when Darcy kisses Elizabeth at the end. I like that part--then again, I read fic after fic detailing the Darcy-Elizabeth courtship. *sigh* Hopeless romantic. I actually didn't watch much of it, except the proposal scene (we watched tapes 3 & 4... the good ones. Ha.) I was reading a series detailing a romance between Anne De Bourgh and Col. Fitzwilliam. It's quite good. The first part was based on Bridget Jones' Diary, which amused me because that was partly based on P & P! Heh heh.

In fact, I can't think of anything else I really want to say right now, unless I go into raptures about Rowan Grove. Which I won't. Not until November, I am determined. I also think I'm going to use one of my 'other options' things to keep my word count. Or I could just post it each time I write here, which may get less and less. Crikey. Our first weekend I've got so many plans with friends, I won't get anything written! Well, I'll start Thursday night--I'm ususally up until 1-ish, in fact, I will just be back from Rocky Horror late that evening. Hmm. And I guess I have Friday afternoon and Saturday before I head up to Corvallis. And, of course, it could all get cancelled. Nothing is set in stone yet. I want to see Martha, Andrew, and Amy. But Martha might not even try to make it. I can dig it. No one wants to go to Moni's cosplay thing. Except Moni, Paige, Jesse, and their friends who I frankly don't want to meet. I mean, it's supposed to be Moni's birthday party, too, but... ugh. I'm glad to know I'm not the only cynical "Fuck that!" one in my social circle. Martha doesn't want to go, either. Amy and Andrew are uneasy about it being in their house, which I think is fucking rude of Paige and Moni in the first place. But, as I understand it, Paige is not an easy person to live with at any rate. I know I wouldn't want to live with her. Well, there are few people I'd really *want* to live with.

Oh, wasn't I a liar when I said I had nothing left to say? Still, off I go.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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