not much to say, honestly

10.23.02 @ 9:30 p.m.

When I got back from Shakespeare today, I thought I would just about burst with all I wanted to say about what I learned about Othello today. Saunders is... brilliant in his teaching. I don't know how I missed the blatantly homoerotic scene when I read the play in high school. Cassio kissing Iago in his sleep (Cassio's sleep) and Iago's raging hatred of women and even of men who like women. I have ideas relating to Iago's motives that boiled through my mind as I walked back from class. I'm too shy to actually approach Saunders with my ideas, and at any rate, he had rather a crowd around him at the end of class. I may well go to a reading at the library to 'score brownie points' with him, as he put it. I love learning from him. I admire his sense of humor and... I've never enjoyed a class more. He said something about when the course was over, wanting to go out and get drunk with the students who are of age. I am not quite 20. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. And I'm too much of a good girl to go anyway. *sigh* Maybe if a signifigant portion of the class *is* underage he'd come up with something else.

No use dwelling on it, though. Things will work out.

In Journalism and History I made signifigant inroads on having a complete outline of Doland Park. I think I may have mentioned that already. I also wrote a scene during my history discussion group. I am so naughty. In Shakespeare though, I am too busy taking notes to think of anything else. That's a class that takes my whole attention. There has never been such a class for me as this in all my life.

I said I wasn't going to talk about Saunders anymore and what am I doing? *shakes head* I'm such a doofus.

God, sometimes I hate the other girls around here. They're so fucking loud. I wish I lived in an apartment instead of dorms. But then, there are all the arguments I make about not wanting to take complete responsibility for myself what with cooking and cleaning and commuting.

I want to go and write on Doland Park. I can't afford to tomorrow. I have to study like all hell for a History class. I should start now, but I'm not going to. I need to take the opportunity to exercise my passion for writing while I can.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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