i hear your music and it's driving me wild

09.15.02 @ 5:06 p.m.

Dude. I got a hit to GCF from someone looking for--get this--American Idol fanfiction. (!) Yeeek!

I've also gotten about 15 hits today to GCF and many many more in the last few weeks. What is up with that? I go nearly a year without a survey result or any sort of submission to my site except the occasional email and suddenly I'm flooded with them. Where did this sudden rise in popularity come from? I'm very curious. All I get on my site is my shortcut URL, committed.to/monkees. That doesn't tell me where the hit is from, which is frustrating. And now that I have a decent URL, I wish I could get rid of committed.to, but there are people who link to me with that address. Budgerigar. (I feel like saying that instead of 'bugger' okay? I do know what a budgie is.) So there's a pocket full of frustration. But I am happy that I'm getting traffic, when all is said and done, I'm just a touch confused by it and by it's suddenness.

I rather abruptly removed my diaryland link button from GCF and detached Paige from my favorite diaries list because Paige asked for my site URL on my social group's yahoogroups email list, and I'm self conscious. Strangers or people I know casually online, they can read this. My close friends... well, I guess I can't forbid them to, but I'd really rather they didn't. I don't go out of my way to bash them here or anything, but I don't want someone mad at me because of my honest thoughts and feelings. Some people aren't really my friends. I can't help that, but I'd rather get along with them. So there's my self conscious little moment of panic.

I still have a headache. Martha's car door tried to crush my skull yesterday and that may be contributing. I woke up feeling lousy and it hasn't really abated. I should probably take some tylenol or something, but I don't really like to take pills. Not if I don't have to, but this is verging on I-will-go-insane-if-my-head-does-not-stop-hurting-NOW kind of pain. I wonder what's wrong with me? I hope I'm not sick or anything.

Two weeks. Two weeks until I have to be back in Eugene and preparing for *gulp* the new school year. I need to shop a little, pack, think about ordering books online so I can just go pick up a box instead of playing 'hunt the last copy of Richard II' this year. Fascinating as that is, of course. Not to mention the line. Ugh. The check out line in the U of O bookstore at the beginning of a term is crazy. They wind you through the shelves of non-textbook books, perhaps to get you to impulse-buy. I do, however, want an Oregon zip up sweatshirt. I saw one last year that I particularly have in mind. And perhaps that Oregon baseball shirt. What can I say, I do actually love my school. My friends don't have much in the way of school merchandise. More's the pity.

By the way, I highly *highly* reccommend the book The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin. It is excellent. Okay, so maybe I'm a little enamoured with the fact that it takes place in Portland, but it is darn good SF reading regardless. I've read that the A&E miniseries doesn't stack up to the book, but that the 1979 film does. I'll reserve judgement until I can rent it sometime. I like older SF books a lot. I'm not sure why. Possibly because they can be cool without being to tech-y and they're written to have a message. A big thank you to my Science Fiction teacher from Winter term! I'm really loving this book. That, and the weird irony of her making Mt. Hood blow up in the book and making frequent reference to the 'non-erupting' or 'perfect' cone of Mt. St. Helens, which blew up in 1980 or '81, I forget. I wasn't born then.

Ooh, the other exciting thing in my life right now is that my parents rented Easy Rider and Giant. Unfortunately, they watched Easy Rider without me, not realizing or not remembering that I've never seen it. Giant is the only James Dean movie I haven't seen. I hear it's quite good.

Well, I have to go do various things. Ta.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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