a train was spotted in the area

09.05.02 @ 11:06 p.m.

What is that? "A train was spotted in the area." Like it was unexpected? It had jumped the tracks to take a little shortcut through the woods? The news here is rife with errors. Like that one time where the reporter said a girl was "sweating heavily and breathing... profusely." Er, I think you mixed those up, lady. And these people have teleprompters, fercryinoutloud.

And once again, I've learned too too much about my parents. I found a pill on their bedroom floor while I was watching CSI with my mom tonight. I picked it up and remarked on it to my mom, worried that my dog might accidentally eat something bad for her. The little pill was unidentifiable. I glanced at a perscription bottle on the headboard thing to see if it held similar pills, and... oh, I so did not need to see that little blue diamond shaped pill. Enough said? Yeah, I think so. Guh.

My dad was kind of a bastard again yesterday. "Rosio's daughter is getting married." Yeah, I knew that. "You're not invited." Gee, thanks, I knew that, but it was so kind of you to tell me in that gratingly condescending voice. Bastard. You know what the funny part is? I am actually probably invited, but he wasn't, initially. Rosio never expected him to go. Little does he know. It was such a jerky thing to say, too.

He holds such stupid, sulky grudges, too. I was upset on Monday because my computer still wasn't working (the laptop, I'm using the family iMac) and I was frustrated and short tempered. We went to Subway even though I really, really did not want to go anywhere. He was being stupid and started to stuff his sandwich wrapper into the hole in the middle of the table we were sitting at. I said "Don't do that." Why? "It's rude to the people who work here." I eventually ended up calling him childish, and that was such a mistake. Sorry that my bad mood made me more inclined to speak my mind. Still, no need to be an ass for two whole days because I said "What you're doing is really childish." I wish he weren't coming home tomorrow evening. I wish we had another night of no criticism for eating things that don't go with his stupid diet, of being at ease, of him not shouting at the dogs. Sometimes I think he verges on animal abuse. When I was little and got angry at him I fantasized about calling animal control. Fucking fucking bastard.

Wow, did I uncover a scary little well of unrealized anger. I didn't expect all that to come out. Ha, I probably need a little therapy or something. Well, I know that. I seriously need to get over my super-shyness, because that kind of makes life no fun.

God, this was depressing. Sorry. I'd rather be funny than angry or self-pitying, but there it is. I mean, this is a diary. I really set this up to be a catharsis, so it's not that I want to be funny to entertain others, it's just that I'm happier when I write funny things or silly things or cheesily romantic things. That's why I write fanfic, after all. What's more fun than overwrought emotions? Writing them, anyway. I'm going to go read some fanfic at a site that I came across today while updating my website.

Don't ever take me too seriously, though.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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