weird hits

08.22.02 @ 1:02 a.m.

I get the weirdest fleebing hits on my counter, I swear. For example, about five out of the last ten or so hits are google searches on 'ennagram' which I think is a misspelling, so I guess I must have used that. Ca-ra-zee. Plus I have a hit off planetqueen, but I went to her diary as I usually do, and I can't figure out how I have a hit recorded off her diary. Maybe I'm blind.

Oh, and one hit for 'emergancy dentist' so I guess I must have told the story about breaking my tooth.

Tomorrow (today, actually) I leave for California. I should be you know, packing or something, but I'm not. I need to go to bed and get up early tomorrow, I guess, or I'll be really screwed. Ha ha ha. But no, I'm watching Conan and writing in my leetle diary etc etc.

OOOH! I bought the coolest things today. First--a gigantic poster (I'm a posteraholic. I have more posters than wall space, and yet I go and buy a HUGE poster): The Who Maximum R & B with Pete Townshend windmilling his guitar. You can see the more reasonably sized version on Jimmy's wall in Quadrophenia. I also got three little buttons: a cheesy xeroxed black Monkees logo on white, a Rolling Stones tongue also on white, and the Who logo on black. Can you tell I went to a music store today? Heh heh. Maximum R & B is going to take the wall space formerly occupied by my four vintage Beatles posters, which I'm not taking next year because I worry about them being damaged. Okay, I really need to go now.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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