Crimson and Clover

08.21.02 @ 12:40 a.m.

No computer since last Friday, at least no decent computer. And I only set this old dinosaur of a computer up on Sunday night.

But I am really quite happy tonight. Today was Andrew's birthday. I got invited to a surprise party for him (which wasn't a surprise because of some poorly parked cars) kind of last minute (10 this morning). I spent all afternoon making a card out of little cut outs from magazines, and he said he really loved it. I think it was because of the pirate and the cheery 'aargh!' written above his head in ransom note style cutout letters.

At said party, Martha told me she had a dream where she, the lead singer of the Strokes and I were eating vegetables and heading out of town in a 'we gotta get out of this place' kind of road trippy thing. How cool is that? I kind of like the Strokes, what little knowledge of them I have.

I got to hang out and have obscenely loud conversations with people, and that is always fun. Lots of chitchat with Martha and Paige and several other people. (In attendance were Andrew, naturally, Andrew's parents (Jeff and Leena), Paige, Moni, Jessi S. (haven't seen her in ages, but it looked like her scary tooth got fixed), Martha, Amy, Dara P. (an aquaintance, and apparently she 'sort of' remembered me), Pam, and Ben P. (no relation to Dara--went to elementary school with me and he and Pam left early) and me.) Martha and I both tend to yell when we talk. We speak loudly when we get excited.

OOH! Martha's going to Tommy James and the Shondells, too! We're both so excited to see them.

On Thursday I'm leaving for California, then on Friday I'm going to see Micky and Davy. I'm really psyched. I have to go check my email now, though.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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