laugh (ho ha ha ha)

08.12.02 @ 1:05 p.m.

Well, I was feeling bloody awful this morning (er, afternoon, I guess. I was still in my pyjamas, so I guess it was 'morning' for me). My dad told me that NBC's frankenstein creation, the second New Monkees, will be covering the original Monkees songs. I cried. I was pissed, etc.

Now I feel super happy though. I'm listening to More of the Monkees (it doesn't help that I was listening to a vaguely sad song like the Beatles' Across The Universe when I was crying) and I found out that A) I'm on the Mosiqa Monkees Topsites list without self voting and B) my hit counter recorded that someone did a google search specifically for my site! How good does that make me feel? Plus I clicked the link to that search and saw places where I was in peoples' links pages and where I won a Monkees Captioning Contest (yaaay me all over again, though that was ages ago)... Speaking of's Captioning contests, I might start up a cleaner version. She's totally abandoned her page for a really long time now and so I don't feel like I'm stealing if I take a good idea that's been abandoned. Dunno yet, though. I don't get a bazillion hits a day. (I got 250 in the last month though, I think.)

This all makes me so happy. I'd do my site even if no one visited it because it makes me happy to have a hobby--I like playing with code and layouts and graphics, and then I have something accomplished that anyone can see. I hoped that someday it would get to be a big site. When I joined the Monkeeland message board I got to be happy again because a bunch of people said "Oh, yeah, I know your site!" plus I have Christine (Jeffery) the serial guestbook stalker periodically chime in. (Why is she Jeffery? Watch Monkees on the Line and realize my name is Ellen and it will make some sense.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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