blah blah blah

07.31.02 @ 10:07 p.m.

So E* called tonight and said I simply must visit. So okay, I'm going to haul my ass (well, my mother will do the driving because I still don't know how to drive, dammit, because no one wants to teach me and we don't have a reliable car) down to Eugene on Saturday and hang about. Her brother wants to meet me, she says, because I'm a Star Wars geek, and I introduced the family to the Beatles, really. Dad goes into this "Aw, she must like you more than you seem to like her" bit. I don't think so, but whatever. She went out of her way to say that she didn't 'miss' me, but her brother was harassing her. Could be reverse psychology or covering, but I rather doubt it.

I'm proud of myself for this: I did some work for my site today. Not anything you'd see if you went to my site right now, 'cause I've only worked up the photos at this point. I haven't done any of the coding yet. I'm adding a lot, actually. I'm at exactly half my capacity at Tripod. Man, I like Tripod so much more than GeoCities. GeoCities was a rat bastard of a site. Hated them.

The other thing I'm rather happy about is that I have figured out how to transfer info from one computer to the other without an internet hookup on my laptop. I've got the CD-RW drives working, and now I can transfer fanfic from one to another. If I had completed any fanfic. Which I haven't. I've been playing a bit with Mattie, but not for a while. She's locked in time at her introduction to Mike. I could work on some of the other points of her life that I've thought up, but I'm, well, lazy.

I'm going to watch the BBC/A&E Pride and Prejudice again. I watched the first tape today and I'll probably watch the second this evening after Law & Order, if I watch the whole thing. I'm sure I've seen it before. We must be getting to the point in the season where I got my little TV and took it down to Eugene. Or the beginning of Winter Break, when I was home to watch TV all the time.

Mom is on jury duty--she was gone today and will be gone tomorrow. Because she had to stay later than she thought, we didn't go to see Goldmember tonight like we planned. C'est la vie. I'll live with waiting another week. Really, I will. Besides, it gave me the chance to spend the whole afternoon culling content for my site. The downside (thought I don't know if it can technically be called that) is that Mom just ordered me to do a whole load of work tomorrow that I just don't want to do. She insists that I put away all my stray clothes, which is just crazy. (Jeez, I sound like a total brat. And perhaps I am.) The thing is, all my good clothes are on the couch. (No one uses this couch, the whole upstairs is practically mine, except for the computer.) My dresser is full of clothes not good enough to take to school with me. Now, excuse me if I don't want to mix the two up. I don't want to have to resort my clothes at the end of September. I have no place to put all this shit. Seriously. My closet is unusable. It's the home for wayward mildew, which may be why I have headaches sometimes--headaches I rarely get at school, but frequently get at home. Gaah. She wants me to make sure I don't leave anything on the computer table. Okay, excuse me, I'm in the middle of a really big batch of coding. Arrrrgh. Just arrrgh. I really dislike my mother right now.

*sign the guestbook, leave a note, send an email! I'm socially starved! You'd know that if you've been reading this!*



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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