goodbye sister disco

07.13.02 @ 7:23 p.m.

I bought the coolest shoes today!

Two pairs of Sketchers. They look a little like bowling shoes. One pair is all black with tan stitching. It came with black laces and tan laces. The other pair is burgandy with tan stitching and a tan line up the middle and up the tongue. They also came with tan laces in addition to the burgandy ones. Woo hoo for clearance shoes!

And a little woo hoo for Moms willing to shell out for clearance shoes.

I'm also in major Who-mode today, having gotten 'Squeeze Box' stuck in my head. I listened to the second disc of my Who album today after seeing the Simpson's episode with the Who on it, where they played 'The Seeker' and 'Won't Get Fooled Again.' That ep was so much funnier now that I know something about the Who. Like Moe's line: "That fat, dumb and bald guy sure plays some real hardball." I'm also frequently giddy over the Who-themed pinball machine in the Sims.

Speaking of, I can never seem to get the Military job track when I want it. ARRGH. Why is that? Why is it that when you're looking for a specific line of work, it never comes up? Like, when I was doing my 'Members of the Monkees' Sims house (which alas, looked nothing like the Pad) I had a hard time finding the musician track. But once I did, JOBS FOR ALL, hahahaha! K, I know I'm weird. I really want the Sims tipbook for Livin' Large, but I can't find it. But if Hot Date is out for Mac, I may just buy it and then buy that tipbook. Okay, so I'm obsessing about the Sims again. It gives me something to do. I still haven't fixed the laptop's dial up internet yet, either. I think that Apple Care is only Mon-Fri anyway. Damn, seven days a week. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

Damn, I hate this computer! I get a delayed reaction when I type! It's that crappy and that old.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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