brief rant

07.01.02 @ 6:37 p.m.

My house smells like hot dogs. Now, generally, if I think the smell of dinner being prepared smells like something in particular, I'm usually completely and utterly wrong. Like the other night when I said "Huh, smells like bacon" but it was, in fact, chicken. And I know my dad thawed hamburger tonight. I just have no fucking idea what he's going to do with it.

And now, on to the rant. Aren't these fun? Ha. Ha.

My dad is drunk. I'm sure of it. Not like, really bad, "I looooooove you guysshhh..." drunk, just unpleasantly altered. You can tell by the way he stood around demanding that I read an article on Muddy Waters and later listen to some of his music, then later grabbed my arm and asked why I hadn't read it. That fucking hurt, and it pissed me off, so I left. I went out to the backyard with Mom and read for a little while. Asshole! Ugh. And I'm mad at him because he's started asking me what movie stars I have crushes on. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I don't want to tell my dad that I have a mad crush on Colin Firth... or Jeremy Northam, or any of the number of stars I think are hot. Especially when he doesn't like any of the movies I like, so I have to explain who they are. And if I like any actor just as an actor (Ken Branagh, Kevin Kline, Alan Rickman, etc.) he now automatically assumes that I have the hots for said actor. Stupid, stupid condescention. I suppose it makes me angrier than it should, since I'm not really social. I don't date, and I'm sensitive to references to that fact. I wish my dad wasn't the way he was, or I'd just tell him to fuck off. But he's stupid and resentful. And I'm scared he'll hit me or something. I mean, he's never hit me before, but I know he's capable of flying off the handle about something. I wouldn't put it past him.

And now he's all pissy at me because he didn't hear me saying "What? WHAT?" every time he called me and I got annoyed. UGH.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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