lousy day... i think i'll go watch reading rainbow

06.26.02 @ 3:17 p.m.

Damn damn damn. This is not a good day. Things started out fine... I painted the chiminey (where it stands in the middle of the kitchen) with primer so we can put the texture paint on it. That went pretty well, but my dad teased me about my very serious fear of heights because the rickety ladder was making me nervous and I ended up yelling at him and wanting to cry. Then, when I was cleaning the paint brushes, I slipped and nearly fell in the drainage ditch. Instead, I hit my shin on the edge of the cement patio. I didn't get the job I was hoping for. And just now, I crushed my hand between the arm of the chair and the underside of the desk. It really, really hurts. I feel like crying. I hate my life right now. I don't want a job, but I know I need one. But it's so hard to find a job, especially around here in the summer. I wonder if I can still get a job with PGE as a flagger or something. It means standing in traffic for ever, but it pays really well. My god, my hand is shaking so much.

I think today I might write some fic or transfer some to a CD, anyway. I'm thinking about doing a fic swap with Rachel, and my good ones are saved on the laptop. Well, most of Mattie is on the laptop, though there isn't much to Mattie that isn't just ideas. Ow. It hurts to type. I guess I'll go look for the CD RW I know we have somewhere and maybe try to salvage this day.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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