
05.07.02 @ 5:57 p.m.

Pepsi is going to start making a blue cola. It's flavor will be a combination of raspberry and cola. Um, excuse me if I don't run out to a covenience store to start waiting now. Really, I don't know if this sounds nasty or something I want to try. Now, blue may be my favorite color, but you won't see me running toward any blue colored food. The blue and purple squeezable margarine and the various colors of ketchup (save normal, reliable red) gross me out no end. It reminds me of those shows they used to have on Nickelodeon where preteens squidged their way through tubes filled with colored goo. Eugh. I can't imagine putting that stuff in my BODY. It's not like I don't eat things with artificial colors... There's little escaping that. But so blatantly FAKE is just... nasty. Really, really nasty. I don't think I could even go near it and maintain my appetite. My gag reflex is trying desperately to get my attention just TALKING about it.

More agonization over purchases. There's more SUPER COOL Monkees stuff available in appropriate sizes. I think I might just get a poster and a t-shirt, since I got all that money back from the University, but I have to decide WHICH shirt. I also want to know if the PAC&J shirt is classy sleeveless or tacky sleeveless. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGH! I am so full of pent up energy right now. I got all hyper reading Fanatical Apathy today. I don't know, I need some kind of RELEASE! I want to scream and laugh and bounce and I DON'T KNOW WHAT! Deep breaths... chill out... Okay, that's it for now. I need to get dinner and type up a one page response to the movie we watched for Italian Film. I didn't much like it. Eh. However, I am thinking that maybe I should take Italian as my second language requirement. It's such a pretty language, and it sounds good fast and angry :) Heeheehee.

Well, I shall go now to get some dinner. Adieu.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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