christmas eve eve and there's a party goin' on

12.24.04 @ 12:23 a.m.

My throat hurts, but it's not illness or anything like that. It's just... constant abuse. Apart from my usual singing along with the car radio at absurd volume, I spent yet another night at a Starbucks. This time with Moni, Amy, Andrew, Martha, this guy I don't know very well named Tim, Allayne, Alissa (too many A names!) and Dumbrella Ryan. Not all at the same time.

We played Hoopla at first for two rounds, which was fun, a lot of fun. We're too good at it right now. Allayne and Alissa were a little perplexed at the speed with which we guessed certain cards. Now that Amy and Martha know every damn card in the deck and the people at Cranium are slow to make an expansion, we're supposed to make new cards, ten each, by the time I get around to having an apartment warming party. Alissa and Allayne left after that and we started playing Telephone Pictionary. Somewhere in the middle of our second round, Ryan called and eventually joined us. After that, more Pictionary and eventually MadLibs for the rest of the evening, though Ryan seemed pretty enchanted with the little plastic food sets that Moni brought back from Japan as souveniers.

Fun was had by all, but the place is loud and so my voice hurts from trying to talk loud enough to be heard. It didn't help that I sang along with the end of my Quadrophenia tape in the car on the way home, of course.

So yeah. Despite all my talk of social phobia and general shyness, I do enjoy the hanging out. Moni was all sad that she was too jetlagged to come with us on Tuesday because it meant she missed Slavik. See, you should hang out with us more.

Moan, whine, my throat hurts. Not that much, but I don't have anything better to say. Conan O'Brien looks good in a 19th century suit. But then, I defy you to find a guy who I won't think looks good in a 19th century suit, barring the morbidly obese. Maybe I just love Conan. I have a weakness for the Irish.

So yeah. That's it, really. I did almost nothing today except sleep, listen to the radio, and put off taking a shower until far too long.

I'm happy. I love EVERYBODY tonight, totally. Except maybe the bee in this Nasonex commercial.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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