making more sense

11.20.04 @ 8:20 p.m.

Hurr. I'm pretty sure I'm the only plain old LJ/Diaryland style blog linked by a significantly sized webcomic. This is because of the stuffed Sheriff Pony I made, linked on the fanart page of Wigu. This amuses me, and I bring it up because somehow it's turning up in my referral logs enough to attract my notice. Go read, Jeff Rowland's new blog-comic. Perhaps soon I will unlazy myself enough to link it. The funny thing is that I thought of unlinking Consumer Whore because CbX hadn't updated in forever, but then he revived the site, and I am pleased.

How else would I know where you can buy a t-shirt with humping unicorns for a very reasonable price? I want it, but I don't know if I'd ever actually wear it. Speaking of shirts I feel self conscious wearing, I don't know where my gun shirt is. Hmmm.

So, the apartment! Who would like to hear about the apartment? Quiet, dissenters! You will listen and you will like it. I am really charmed by it because it is two stories and upside down. The bedroom is on the lower floor, as it the bathroom with interesting french doors (with curtains) and the kitchen is on the floor above. The entrance to the apartment is theoretically on the upper floor, where there is a little sort of deck. That will be nice once spring has sprung, as it were. Covered, too. I might steal a green resin chair from my mom and the little plastic table to go with it that dad bought. Mayyybe. I think I'm going to have to get rid of quite a lot of furniture, but I think I'm okay with that. My VCR is dying, too, so I might exchange huge, cheap, Haier brand teevee for my little silver TV/VCR from the dorm days. Then I can put it on top of my DVD player and keep the whole shebang in the kitchen, maybe, keeping the bedroom a nice study area, free of the distraction that TV is. Plus, the little TV can be moved so easily if I change my mind. I have to decide where the monster stereo goes and where the minicomponent stereo goes. (I love that I have two stereos, even though the old one still really belongs to my parents, who are not willing to relenquish ultimate control of the turntable.) I wish this futon was more comfortable, or I'd keep it. But it's not, not really. It's short and loveseatish, which is better than my huge, full sized couch. Which is a shame, because the couch is pretty comfortable, except for a whole cushion sliding thing that gets irritating.

So now I'm whittling down my possessions and trying to decide how to start packing things up. I'm thinking I ought to take all the posters down right now, maybe start piling my books up in the living room, along with my videos and DVDs. That's the kind of thing you can throw in a couple of laundry baskets and shuttle over. I need to find out what the mailing address will be, but that can wait until I sign the rental agreement. (I put down a deposit and they gave me keys, yay, but did not have a copy of the agreement on hand.)

First thing that goes up: My Scary-Go-Round towel. Maximum R&B poster has to wait until I figure out where I'm putting the bed and such. I also have my Quadrophenia poster. That might go up in the kitchen. Who knows?

Okay, poster catalog:
-Maximum R&B
-Scary Go Round towel
-Abbey Road
-Long, post Sgt. Pepper era Beatles poster
-White Stripes poster
-40 Licks promo poster
-Paul McCartney "Back in the US"
-Star Wars
-Guitar chords
-Cavern Club poster my mom brought from Liverpool
-Small sepia Who poster
-Guitar Player Jack White pull-out
-A zillion magazine cutouts and postcards

I do not lie when I call myself a posteraholic. I am going to have to get rid of two posters, a Beatles one that once belonged to my brother and a James Dean one because they kept falling off the wall, so I laid them on the floor, where Bobby went and peed on them, little bastard that he is. I have to buy a new full length mirror because mine broke over the summer falling off the wall.

I have a desk, two tall bookshelves, a very elderly bookshelf I keep videos on... so much furniture. And I don't want to get rid of a lot of it. I also have more wastepaper baskets than I need, though that means I can take one back home for my bedroom there.

Enough, enough.

Time to watch some In Living Color, if it isn't an interesting episode of My Hero.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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