holidays in the sun

08.16.04 @ 4:51 p.m.

EURGH, CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY. The Verizon phone guy at work seems to be hitting on me, and DUDE, this guy is OLD (certainly in his 40s) and BALDING, and he has a HORRIBLE MUSTACHE. It's really appalling. I'm just so horrified and I don't know what to do. *shudder* Thank god Thursday is my last day. I will give a happy goodbye and a silent "fuck you" to a summer of gainful employment.

Ahem. I guess I made a promise I didn't keep, namely filling in the details on the rally.

It was really hot, but kind of fun to be with so many like-minded people. Let's not forget the rather attractive fella that was standing next to our little group for a while, until the motion of the crowd mixed everyone up. It was a long, boring wait for the whole thing to begin, during which they reluctantly passed out rally swag; signs (I got a "Believe in America" and a "Help is on the Way"), stickers, and a tiny American flag were my haul. Oh, and a white pennant that says "USA." Sadly, I did not get a pom-pom to go with the one I got from Al Gore four years ago. Volunteers threw bottles of water into the crowd for a while until people started shouting at them to stop because they were concussing people. Then there was much orderly passing, since a lot of people didn't seem to want water. I drank two bottles.

Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora performed after Leonardo Di Caprio gave a slightly stilted speech about environmentalism. The music was good (I remember him playing "Living on a Prayer" and "Wanted Dead or Alive") and lots of middle aged ladies around me got all twittery when Bon Jovi would look out at the crowd and smile. And yeah, he's handsome.

Theresa Heinz Kerry talked too long. She's hard to understand and sounds vaguely sedated. She is NOT helping the campaign. Kerry was a good speaker, but having been out in the hot sun was taking it's toll and I wasn't paying fantastic attention. It was good. Inspiring. I hoped to see him up close (though he did pass ten feet away from me, but I barely saw him through the crowd) but he didn't come around to where I was before I got bored and wanted to come home.

On Saturday, Amy called and we finally went through with Rickman Fest. It was awesome. Dogma, which is a good movie and makes me think about my lifetime of enforced Catholicism and how it taught me basically nothing. Galaxy Quest, which pleases the inner scifi geek. Amy's dad watched that with us, but it wasn't unpleasant (as spending time with Amy's dad can sometimes be). She shooed him out of the room for the last movie, Sense and Sensibility. That was the one that caused me the most anxiety. Everytime I show someone a movie I like, I worry that they won't like it and they won't be happy that I pressed this movie on them (see: how I felt after seeing Quills with Martha and Moni - I really disliked it and was annoyed that I was dragged to a movie I didn't enjoy when it had been so talked up), but Amy liked S&S. Which made me happy. I stayed up too late that night (until 4!) and slept most of Sunday. Slept and read trashy novels. That is the life, my friends, that is the life.

[Sex Pistols title.]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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