most of the time

04.04.04 @ 9:02 p.m.

[EDIT]11:58 p.m.
Okay, three cheers for Slavik. Firstly, he downloaded the new Who compilation and then sent me the two new tracks. For that, you rock like a small boat in a hurricane. I may have forgotten to thank you in the AIM conversation that just ended. Secondly, his design on iPod lounge got on the top ten page. (The round one.) Also, his offhand suggestion of third party stuff to take tracks off an iPod (I will admit now that which I have been reluctant to mention, having expected teasing rather than a "Wow, so you're part of the club, too"... I have an iPod now that came with a bunch of stuff already on it. I took a risk and went with eBay, and ended up happy. After some paranoia. But that's just an essential part of my being) lead to me finding a glorious little AppleScript to port music OFF the iPod, so I can back up the music. (Including Exile on Main Street, Sticky Fingers, The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus (sadly on the Stones stuff, because the R&R Circus version of "A Quick One While He's Away" is possibly the greatest thing in the history of SOUND, coupled with a frantic Moon and a sweaty, intense Townshend... and stomping right before "Cello, Cello, Cello"! Bestill my heart, but that just makes it BETTER. I must buy the TKAA soundtrack.), Beggar's Banquet, which I have, but hey, and a bunch of Bob Dylan, Beatles, and Pink Floyd which I won't list. And 7 Led Zeppelin albums. This requires the theft of the Dumbrella Metal Steve icon: [/EDIT]

So. I could be doing homework, since I'm in dire straits as far as Italian goes. But instead I'm playing with iCal and inputting my psych syllabus. Just because I wanted to remember that I'm killing my first required hour of Psychology experiment participation by going to one of the prescreening days. I'll have to spend an hour filling out a big packet of surveys.

I'm getting into the habit of writing every other day. I think that it's because lately I start an entry pretty much every day, but then I get annoyed at what I'm writing and trash it. I think it's a basic restlessness I'm suffering under right now.

I have a theory about what might help me with my restlessness and inability to concentrate (caffine), but if I go back to daily intake of caffine, I'm setting myself up for headaches all the time AND I need to find a low to no sugar source of caffine, because a Pepsi a day was doing me (and my 'figure') no favors. I remember drinking a lot of Pepsi One at one point in my life and a whole lifetime of diet pop consumption. I grew up in a family that was on an eternal diet. Well, not all of us, but my dad. My dad used to be pretty heavy. I have my parents' old bed in my room in Portland and you can tell which side was his because there's a very noticeable dip in the mattress. His compulsive eating and total lack of self control also meant a childhood of hiding food. Cookies stashed behind the cereal. No non-diet pop. Fucking harassment if you got caught eating something sugary. (That aspect got worse when my dad actually started losing weight and now I react pre-emptively with an "Nothing you say is going to change my mind, so you can just stop right now.")

So anyway, caffine helps me concentrate, which is why I drink about a half-gallon of iced tea whenever I have to write a paper.

I'm so restless and... I don't know what that I want to cry. It's a whole horrible bored-lonely thing, except that while I don't much like an empty house, I know that if Ena were here I'd be quietly resenting her like I've been doing since yesterday. (This I blame on the fact that I went on a cleaning spree again because the recycling situation has gotten REDONKULOUS, and that always just inflames me against the stupidity of... people in general.) I thought that the satisfaction of a job completed would erase the mid-cleaning rage, but it didn't. I just ended up angry. And then today I realized that I've been the only one doing dishes for this whole week. Gah.

My eyes hurt. And I haven't even used my computer that much today. And in the vein of random thoughts, I wish I had called my parents tonight. I miss them. Although my mom would probably say, "You're coming home soon anyway, we don't need to talk that much." I'm wondering a little if I can come back for classes on Friday. Except it's an extra $30 to come back to Eugene (I'm thinking X-treme early morning bus) and then go back to Portland for the rest of the weekend, but I'm feeling like I shouldn't skip classes. Before Dad realized he was going to be in California that weekend, he offered to drive me back so I wouldn't miss so many classes. (The concerts I'm going to are on a Wednesday and a Thursday and both in Portland.)

Okay, enough. Back to TV and eventually trying to translate that horrible story in Italian.

[Title: Bob Dylan. Hey, have you seen those weird Victoria's Secret commercials with him? What is up with that facial hair, Bob?]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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