i'm not down

02.23.04 @ 10:19 p.m.

So Cadbury Mini-Eggs are totally the smack dealt by the Easter Bunny. Not the Creme Eggs, mind you, those are hideously gross.

So. There's this guy in my English class who annoys the living fuck out of me. He is pretentiousness personified. "Hi, I'm a huge literary snob, and I'm going to prove that by comparing Ken Kesey to William Faulkner at every possible opportunity until my classmates beat me to death with their paperback copies of Sometimes a Great Notion."

Everyone rolls their eyes and all go back to finding the most 'literary' thing they can say about Kesey. I just rambled about blame. Conversely, there's a guy named Jack (I, unlike Gwendolyn in The Importance of Being Earnest, quite like the name 'Jack,') whom I like. Possibly because he's good natured and always wants to participate in the discussion (without pedantry) even though he has a bit of a stutter. Not like a t-t-t-t one, but he tends to get stuck on words. I do, too, at times.

I was sitting between two boys, which seemed odd. I don't know why. Probably residual oddness from the teacher suggesting we sit in a gigantic circle and progress around with our opinions on the book. I had just been in small discussion with the two of them and last week, too, so it wasn't like they were total strangers. I think I was just noticing the way things had arranged themselves to go boy-girl-boy-girl on our side of the room and there was gender clustering on the opposite side.

I aced my Italian test and therefore am a little peeved that I have to rewrite the composition from the end anyway. Everyone does. Stupid people who don't understand the conguintivo imperfetto. For all my fear of having done a miserable job on my presentation, Enrico kept talking about the drawing of a sheep I did. He was scolding people who just wrote 'sheep' in English in their composition instead of the Italian 'pecora.' Part of my speech was about a Molise dish called "La testa di agnello o capretto ripena." That means "stuffed head of lamb or kid." So I drew pictures of a sheep with a lamb and a goat with a kid. And a rabbit, because rabbit kebabs was also a Molise specialty. Anyway, Enrico seemed impressed. (That reminds me that he sent an email to the class with review work for the test, he wrote "Questions? Call 1-800-E N R I C O" which amused me.)

I spent my between class time around the house trying to write my English paper and listening to Live at Leeds in concert order. That means stopping disc one (I have the two disc version) after "A Quick One While He's Away" and putting in disc two for the production of, as Townshend would put it, "Thomas." Then back to disc one to finish it off. People keep coming up and asking about our house. It's frustrating, because our house isn't for rent, the one connected to our house is. We share a little utility room. But Fuckwit Landlord is opportunistic and we live on a more traveled road than the other house, so there's a for rent sign in our yard. It's surprising how much interest there is in the pokey little place. But then, our house is really nice, so maybe that accounts for some of it. I rewarded finishing my paper by watching "A Quick One" on The Kids Are Alright and went to class in a blissful mood.

(Quick note, brought on by watching the news: I am frustrated that Art Museum on campus has been closed all the time I've been here and won't open until next November. I feel cheated.)

Homework beckons, and I've rambled about nothing in particular for long enough.

[title: Clash song, London Calling]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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