why can't you be nicer to me?

10.28.03 @ 8:52 p.m.

It's mean spirited and evil and it makes me a bad friend, but I still dislike the Poser. Though she's making an effort. Her compulsive gift-giving annoys me, especially because it reminds me of my dad and all his burned CDs which make me feel like he's trying to buy his friends. She said she's afraid to buy me things anymore because more often than not, it's something related to something I've made a pop culture joke about at some point but don't actually like. Anyway, I hate it when people buy me gifts. I feel like a cad because I'm not throwing my money away on things for other people that ultimately they probably don't want. I am not the only one who feels this way.

It is 7:45. Fucktard Landlord is fifteen minutes late. I really dislike him. Dunno why. Possibly because he's incompetent and never told us that the electricity set up was NOT the way he said it was. Much to our frustration.

Back to our story. So she was nice and was just trying to catch up, and yet I am annoyed. I just... don't really like her that much any more. Not that I was ever in mad raptures over our friendship. I get like this, though, or I have with a couple of people. I realize that they like me way more than I like them and I just start getting bitchy and contemptuous. I think I get it from my dad, who is much the same way. Bad me. I kind of hope I stop being so horrible, because when I look at myself objectively I'm horrified. I'm mean and I don't want to be.

I should do my homework, of course. I'll leave off for now to try to write a paragraph in the imperfetto tense about what I did when I was little. (BORING)

Okay. So now it's 8:40. Fucktard Landlord showed up (v. late) and then promptly left without achieving anything. Gaah. We are to try again next week.

Fun thing of fun things! I am to escort a whole passle of confused Taiwanese girls to Rocky Horror on Halloween. Oh, they so have no idea what they're in for, except E*, whom I have briefed and who intends to lie about her RHPS Virgin status but will gladly shove her friends up on that stage to be initiated. Oh man. They don't know what the movie is about AT ALL. How delightfully comical is that? (I may feel bad on the actual day if they're acutely uncomfortable, but for now I'll delight in unholy glee. And be happy I have plans on Friday.)

Um, what else? Long IM session last night that resulted in me totally missing CSI: Miami. I only got a vague idea that it was about tweakers. Which would have been interesting, since the Pac NW is supposed to be Methville USA and the movie Spun (which I have not seen but am encouraged by Martha, Andrew, and Andrew's dad) was written by a UO Journalism grad. Woo. Go us.

[title track by The White Stripes]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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